Media Intelligence

Media Intelligence

Get real-time monitoring and analysis across the entire media spectrum including online, social media, print, television, and radio. Gather and analyze industry and competitor information with real-time insights and actionable intelligence.

Comprehensive Content Collection

Stay on top of the day’s developments. Media clips are collected and indexed in real-time so you’ll always have the latest news.

Online News

Over 50,000 sources, including major media outlets and Web-only publications.

Social Media

3 million sources, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, blogs, and forums.

Print Media

Including newspapers, magazines, and trade publications from more than 100 countries.

Broadcast Media

Over 1,000 media outlets, including North American and U.K. radio and television stations.

Without Intelligence,
It's Just Media

Quickly measure your coverage and monitor trends with an easy-to-use interface to drive analytics. Get a high-level overview of your coverage with a blended dashboard across all media types.
  • Insightful text-analytics identify key concepts and topics.
  • Access our proprietary, patent-pending, sentiment engine analyzes and scores clips according to their tonality, viewpoint perspective, and language nuances.
  • Receive clips electronically - bringing the power of Media Intelligence to your inbox.
  • Advanced graphing and charting functionality offers unique displays such as a News Heart Rate.

Listen. Identify. Engage.

Listen to social media conversations in real-time, and respond and/or engage.

Your Passport to a World of Coverage

Incorporate coverage in multiple languages from countries around the globe – providing global teams a comprehensive overview of their worldwide media coverage and impact.

Seamless integration of social media sources helps you see their impact as part of your daily coverage.

Klout scoring helps you to quickly evaluate a person’s reach and influence.

In-platform engagement allows you to Reply, Retweet, and mark Favorites.

Interested in what NASDAQ's Media Intelligence has to offer you?