Gemalto's Discovery
Gemalto's Discovery Service boosts on-demand connectivity activation for consumer devices worldwide
January 31, 2018 01:01 ET | GEMALTO SA
The new solution allows users to easily activate their mobile subscription of their eSIM-enabled consumer IoT devices Austin, TX,  31 January 2018 - Gemalto, the world leader in digital security,...
Gemalto: Certain man
Gemalto: Certain mandatory daily disclosures under the Dutch offer rules
January 23, 2018 17:00 ET | GEMALTO SA
Amsterdam, January 23, 2018 at 11:00 PM - Following the formal announcement on December 17, 2017 in respect of Thales' intended recommended all-cash offer for all issued and outstanding ordinary...
Gemalto: Certain man
Gemalto: Certain mandatory daily disclosures under the Dutch offer rules
January 22, 2018 17:01 ET | GEMALTO SA
Amsterdam, January 22, 2018 at 11:00 PM - Following the formal announcement on December 17, 2017 in respect of Thales' intended recommended all-cash offer for all issued and outstanding ordinary...
Estudio de Gemalto y Ponemon Institute: Surgen importantes diferencias entre los países respecto de las actitudes para la protección de datos en la nube
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
Un estudio revela disparidades regionales en la adopción de la seguridad en la nube: las empresas alemanas tienen casi el doble de probabilidades de brindar seguridad a la información confidencial o...
Étude de Gemalto et Ponemon Institute : on observe de gros écarts entre les pays au niveau des attitudes en ce qui concerne la protection des données dans le cloud
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
L'étude révèle des disparités régionales dans l'adoption de la sécurité dans le cloud : les entreprises allemandes sont quasiment deux fois plus susceptibles de sécuriser leurs informations...
Совместное исследование Gemalto и центра Ponemon Institute. Между странами возникают существенные различия в отношении защиты данных в облаке
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
В ходе исследования были обнаружены региональные различия мер по обеспечению информационной безопасности облака. Немецкие компании почти в два раза чаще обеспечивают безопасность конфиденциальной или...
Onderzoek van Gemalto en het Ponemon Institute: Grote verschillen tussen landen voor wat betreft de houding ten aanzien van gegevensbescherming in de cloud
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
Het onderzoek laat regionale verschillen zien in de invoering van cloudbeveiliging: Tweemaal zoveel Duitse bedrijven (61%) als Engelse (35%), Braziliaanse (34%) en Japanse (31%) organisaties...
Estudo da Gemalto e do Ponemon Institute: há grandes lacunas entre países quando se trata de condutas em relação à proteção de dados na nuvem
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
O estudo revela disparidades regionais na adoção da segurança da nuvem: empresas alemãs têm uma probabilidade quase duas vezes maior de proteger informações confidenciais ou sensíveis na nuvem (61%)...
Große Unterschiede im Ländervergleich: Internationale Studie von Gemalto und Ponemon zeigt verschiedene Einstellungen beim Thema Datenschutz in der Cloud
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
Studie bestätigt regionale Unterschiede bei der gefühlten Sicherheit von Cloudumgebungen: Bei deutschen Unternehmen ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, vertrauliche oder sensible Informationen in der Cloud...
Gemalto and Ponemon Institute Study: Big gaps emerge between countries on attitudes towards data protection in the cloud
January 16, 2018 01:03 ET | GEMALTO SA
Study reveals regional disparities in adoption of cloud security: German businesses almost twice as likely to secure confidential or sensitive information in the cloud (61%) than British (35%),...