LBi announces publication of Prospectus and terms of EUR 10 million Rights Offering

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   LBi announces publication of Prospectus and terms of EUR 10 million Rights

                  1 for 6 rights offering for LBi shareholders
                           rights issue underwritten
         irrevocable undertakings of 48.4% of existing LBi shareholders
                        prospectus available as of today

23 July  2010 - LBI International AB ("LBi"), the largest European marketing and
technology  agency, today announces  the launch of  a 1 for 6 rights offering of
10,337,212 new  ordinary shares ("New  Shares") in LBi  International N.V. ("New
LBi")  following the merger with Obtineo Netherlands Holding N.V. ("Obtineo") at
an  issue price of  EUR 1.00 per share.  The offer is  made through the grant of
transferable  subscription rights ("SETs") to holders of ordinary shares in LBi
pro rata to their shareholdings, subject to applicable securities laws and under
the terms and conditions set out in the Prospectus as published and available as
of today.

As earlier announced, the rights offering follows the merger of LBi with Obtineo
and  the new listing  on NYSE Euronext  Amsterdam of the  combined entity, which
will  be renamed LBi  International N.V. The  listing of New  LBi is expected to
take  place  on  5 August  2010. The  record  date  for the rights offering (the
"Record Date") is set at 9 August 2010 (17:40 CET),  trading of the SETs on NYSE
Euronext Amsterdam will start on 11 August 2010.

New  LBi will raise approximately EUR 10 million (before expenses and applicable
taxes)  in the rights offering, which is  underwritten up to EUR 10 million. The
issue  price of  EUR1.00 per  share (the  "Offer Price")  has been determined by
reference  of the quoted share price of LBi  and the enterprise value of LBi and
Obtineo,   which   includes   bigmouthmedia.   The  underwriters  have  received
irrevocable  undertakings  from  shareholders  representing  48.4% of  the total
issued shares of LBi.

Existing  Obtineo  shareholders  will  not  participate  in the rights offering,
unless  and to  the extent  they hold  shares in  LBi at  the time of the merger
becoming  effective  (expected  on  29 July  2010). The  rights  offering  hence
provides  existing LBi shareholders  the opportunity to  invest in New  LBi at a
discount  to the  combined equity  value. The  net cash  proceeds of  the rights
offering  will be applied to  finance new acquisitions in  the key markets where
the  Group intends to grow, amongst which are Asia, the Middle-East and the USA,
and will be used for working capital purposes.
The  total number of ordinary shares outstanding of the New LBi on NYSE Euronext
Amsterdam  at the time the New Shares  being admitted to trading (expected on 7
September 2010) will be 130,215,208.

Details of the Listing and Delisting

Before  the merger between Obtineo and LBi can be executed, LBi will be delisted
from  NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and NYSE Euronext  Amsterdam with last trading day on
26 July  2010. From  27 July  up  to  and  including 4 August 2010 shares in LBi
cannot be traded.

Existing LBi shareholders will automatically receive shares in LBi International
N.V.   on  3 August  2010 (ISIN  code  NL0009508720).  The  new  shares  in  LBi
International  N.V. will initially be settled  via Euroclear Sweden AB. In order
to  trade the shares in  LBi International N.V. on  NYSE Euronext Amsterdam, the
shares  must  first  be  converted  into  Euroclear Nederland registered shares.
Euroclear  Nederland  will  automatically  execute  this conversion for admitted
institutions  that  currently  hold  LBi  shares  with Euroclear Nederland after
delivery   of   the   LBi  International  N.V.  shares.  For  nominee-registered
shareholders  in LBi, the nominee may also execute such conversion automatically
and  without any further actions  to be taken by  the shareholders. Contact your
nominee/account  operator if you have any  questions regarding the conversion of
shares into the system operated by Euroclear Nederland.

Details of the Rights Offering

Holders of Shares registered with Euroclear Nederland


LBi  shareholders as of  the record date,  which has been  set at 9 August 2010
(17:40  CET) are being  granted SETs (ISIN  code NL0009508738) that entitle such
shareholders to subscribe for New Shares at the Offer Price , subject to certain
exceptions  and applicable securities  laws. Each Share  that an LBi Shareholder
holds immediately at 17:40 (CET) on the Record Date will entitle it to one SET.

Each  LBi shareholder as of  the Record Date or  a subsequent transferee of SETs
will  be entitled to subscribe for one  New Share for every 6 SETs held, subject
to  applicable securities laws. SETs can only be exercised in multiples of 6. No
fractional New Shares will be issued.

Trading of SETs

Trading in the SETs on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam is expected to commence at 09:00
(CET)  on  11 August  2010 and  will  continue  until 13:00 (CET) on 1 September
2010, barring  unforeseen circumstances.  The SETs  will be  admitted to trading
under  the symbol  "LBIRR". The  transfer of  SETs will  take place  through the
book-entry systems of Euroclear Nederland.

To enable trading in the SETs, the admitted institution or nominee through which
shareholders  hold  their  Shares  should  transfer  their Shares from Euroclear
Sweden  to Euroclear  Nederland. Shares  which are  not transferred prior to the
Record  Date will  receive SETs  that are  registered with Euroclear Sweden. The
SETs  registered  with  Euroclear  Sweden  are  not eligible for trading on NYSE
Euronext Amsterdam.

Exercise Period

Any  LBi Shareholder and any subsequent transferee of SETs may subscribe for New
Shares  by exercising its  SETs from 09:00 (CET)  on 11 August 2010 up to 15:00
(CET)  on 1 September 2010. The last date  and/or time before which notification
of  exercise instructions may be validly given  may be earlier, depending on the
financial institution through which the SETs are held.

Holders  of Shares registered with Euroclear Sweden and not eligible for trading
on Euronext Amsterdam

LBi  shareholders whose  Shares are  registered with  Euroclear Sweden as of the
Record  Date  are  being  granted  SETs  (Sw.  teckningsrätter)  registered with
Euroclear  Sweden that entitle such shareholders  to subscribe for New Shares at
the  Offer Price Each Share that an  LBi Shareholder holds immediately at 17:40
(CET) on the Record Date will entitle it to one SET.

Each  LBi shareholder as of  the Record Date or  a subsequent transferee of SETs
will  be entitled to subscribe for one  New Share for every 6 SETs held, subject
to  applicable securities laws. SETs can only be exercised in multiples of 6. No
fractional New Shares will be issued.

Trading in SETs

There will be no listing of SETs registered with Euroclear Sweden. The ISIN code
for  the  SETs  registered  with  Euroclear  Sweden  is  SE-0003456177. The SETs
registered  with  Euroclear  Sweden  are  not  convertible  to  SETs  which  are
registered with Euroclear Nederland.

Subscription by exercise of SETs

Subscription for New Shares by exercise of SETs registered with Euroclear Sweden
may  be made during the period from 11 August 2010 9:00 CET to and including 24
August  2010, 15:00 CET. At  the end  of this  exercise period, unexercised SETs
will  expire and will be removed from the holder's VP account (or alternatively,
service  account  or  capital  markets  account)  without  any notification from
Euroclear Sweden.

Subscription by directly registered shareholders

Subscription  for  New  Shares  by  exercise  of  SETs  will  be  made by way of
submitting the special application form named "Application form for subscription
with  preferential right regarding  shares registered with  Euroclear Sweden" to
Mangold  Fondkommission  AB  (the  Issue  Agent)  (at  the address stated below)
together  with simultaneous payment  in accordance with  the instructions below.
Payment  for the subscribed New Shares shall  be made in EUR simultaneously when
sending in the application form.

Subscription Agent/Issuing Agent

SNS  Securities N.V. will act as  Subscription Agent for the subscription rights
settled  by Euroclear Nederland. Mangold Fondkommission AB has been appointed as
Issuing  Agent to handle the subscription applications submitted by shareholders
holding  subscription  rights  which  are  subject  to settlement within the VPC
system of Euroclear Sweden.

Timetables of (de-)listing and subsequent  Rights Offering

Important dates concerning the listing and delisting

|Event                                                |Time (CET)|    Date     |
|Last day of trading of shares in LBi on Nasdaq OMX   |          | 26 July 2010|
|Stockholm and NYSE Euronext Amsterdam                |          |             |
|Completion of the Merger (Effective Date)            |          | 29 July 2010|
|Delivery of Shares to LBi Shareholders pursuant to   |     09:00|3 August 2010|
|the Merger (to the accounts of Euroclear Nederland)  |          |             |
|Delivery of Shares to LBi Shareholders pursuant to   |     09:00|3 August 2010|
|the Merger (to the accounts of Euroclear Sweden)     |          |             |
|Start of trading of Shares (Listing)                 |     09:00|5 August 2010|

Important  dates concerning  the rights  issue for  holders of shares registered
with Euroclear Nederland

|Event                                             |Time (CET)|      Date      |
|The Record Date                                   |     17:40|   9 August 2010|
|Distribution of the SETs to the accounts of       |      9:00|  11 August 2010|
|Euroclear Nederland                               |          |                |
|Start of trading of SETs                          |      9:00|  11 August 2010|
|Start of Exercise Period                          |      9:00|  11 August 2010|
|End of trading of SETs                            |     13:00|1 September 2010|
|End of Exercise Period                            |     15:00|1 September 2010|
|Delivery of New Shares to the accounts of         |      9:00|7 September 2010|
|Euroclear Nederland (Closing Date)                |          |                |
|Start of trading of New Shares                    |      9:00|7 September 2010|

Important dates concerning the rights issue for registered shareholders via the
VPC system of Euroclear Sweden

| Event                                            |Time (CET)|      Date      |
|The Record Date                                   |     17:40|   9 August 2010|
|Distribution of the SETs to the accounts of       |      9:00|  11 August 2010|
|Euroclear Sweden                                  |          |                |
|Start of Exercise Period                          |      9:00|  11 August 2010|
|End of Exercise Period of SETs                    |     15:00|  24 August 2010|
|Delivery of New Shares to the accounts of         |      9:00|7 September 2010|
|Euroclear Sweden (Closing Date)                   |          |                |

Further instructions to shareholders
For further instructions to shareholders regarding the subscription and exercise
of rights is referred to the Prospectus available as of today In
the  Prospectus a clear distinction is  made between (1) instructions to holders
of  Shares  registered  with  Euroclear  Nederland  and  traded on NYSE Euronext
Amsterdam  and (2) instructions  to holders of  Shares registered with Euroclear
Sweden and not eligible for trading on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam.

Shareholders  having any  questions in  relation to  the admission to listing on
NYSE  Euronext Amsterdam or the Rights Offering are recommended to contact their
bank or stockbroker.

Availability of Prospectus
The Prospectus regarding admission to listing and the Rights Offering is
available today The printed document may be ordered by e-mail at or tel. +31 20 460 4500.


|LBi                     |Chairman|Fred Mulder         |+31 20 460 29 86  |
|                        |CEO     |Luke Taylor         |+44 20 70 63 64 65|
|Citigate First Financial|        |Jacqueline Lenterman|+31 20 575 40 22  |

Notes to Editors
The information contained in this press release is such that LBi is obligated to
publish in accordance with the Securities Markets Act and the Financial
Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 23
July at 11.00 CET.

The LBi shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") or under any of the
relevant securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United
States. Neither the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission nor any U.S. state
securities commission has approved of the LBi shares or determined if this
document is accurate or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a
criminal offence in the United States. The LBi shares will be offered to holders
resident in the United States only pursuant to an exemption from the
registration requirements of the Securities Act. The LBi shares may not be
offered or sold in the United States except pursuant to an exemption from the
Securities Act or in a transaction not subject to the
registration requirements of the Securities Act.

This  merger and the rights issue relates to securities of a Dutch and a Swedish
company.  The merger and the rights issue are subject to disclosure requirements
of  the Kingdom of Sweden and the  Netherlands which are different from those of
the  United States. Financial statements included  in the document, if any, have
been  prepared in accordance  with Swedish and  Dutch standards that  may not be
comparable to the financial statements of United States companies.

It  may be difficult for you  to enforce your rights and  any claim you may have
arising  under the  federal securities  laws, since  the issuer  is located in a
foreign  country, and some or all of its officers and directors may be residents
of  a foreign  country. You  may not  be able  to sue  a foreign  company or its
officers  or directors in a foreign court  for violations of the U.S. securities
laws.  It may  be difficult  to compel  a foreign  company and its affiliates to
subject themselves to a U.S. court's judgment.



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