Wharton School Launches Business Certificate Program in India

Accelerated Development Program Designed for Global Business Leaders With High Potential

MUMBAI, India, Oct. 12, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has announced the launch of a new non-degree business certificate program in India beginning January 2012. Called the Accelerated Development Program (ADP), this new certificate is designed to meet the current needs of global business leaders with high potential in India.

"The Accelerated Development Program exemplifies Wharton's commitment to global business education as it will bring Wharton's world-class faculty and thought leadership to business executives in India," says Wharton Vice Dean Jason Wingard who made the announcement of the program yesterday at the School's Global Engagement Series event held in Mumbai, India.

Harbir Singh, Wharton's Vice Dean of Global Initiatives and the Mack Professor of Management, says the present is an ideal time to launch such a program in India.

"There is a growing emphasis on internationalization for organizations in India," Singh says. "Business leaders must be well aware of the need to build globally competitive enterprises, and how today's highly interconnected world affects everything from innovation to finance to leadership. You can't create and maintain a competitive advantage without a global perspective."

The Accelerated Development Program is designed to bring that perspective to India's global business leaders with high potential. The certificate program will offer courses in Mumbai and Gurgaon, India in topics such as Strategic Thinking, Finance, Marketing, and Leadership.

What distinguishes Wharton's Accelerated Development Program from other business school programs currently offered in India is that it will go beyond the classroom sessions to help participants become more reflective and proactive in managing their careers. All participants who choose to complete the certificate will receive coaching and professional assessments. Also, they will be eligible to attend an executive education program at the Wharton School's Philadelphia campus in the United States. No other business school in India currently offers these types of additional benefits.

"Business leaders today need a higher level of proactivity and self-reflection during their careers," says Singh, who will teach in the Accelerated Development Program. "The pace of change demands a take-charge approach, and coaching is an important component."

To be awarded the certificate, participants must complete three of the courses within two years.

To request further details about Wharton's Accelerated Development Program, please contact Eruditus Executive Education, Wharton's partner in India, by email [Wharton_ADP@eruditus.com] or phone +91.22.4070.0112 (Mumbai).

Maria Pitone, Practice Leader of General Management Programs at Wharton, emphasizes that the knowledge the preeminent U.S.-based business school is bringing to India through the Accelerated Development Program will be unmatched.

"Our program is led by some of the world's most esteemed experts, who put their areas of expertise in a global context," says Pitone. "They bring deep knowledge of cultural differences and differences in modes of competition. ADP will help business leaders advance their thinking—and their organizations—with up-to-the-minute research and best practices."

In addition to Singh, other distinguished Wharton faculty who will teach in Wharton's Accelerated Development Program include:

Jagmohan S. Raju, the Joseph J. Aresty Professor of Marketing and Chairman of Wharton's Marketing Department; Patricia Williams, Ira A. Lipman Associate Professor of Marketing; Michael Useem, The William and Jacalyn Egan Professor of Management; Franklin Allen, Nippon Life Professor of Finance and Professor of Economics; and John R. Percival, Adjunct Professor of Finance.

For more details about Wharton's Accelerated Development Program, visit http://executiveeducation.wharton.upenn.edu/open-enrollment/accelerated-development-program/index.cfm or contact Eruditus Executive Education, Wharton's partner in India by email [Wharton_ADP@eruditus.com] or phone +91.22.4070.0112 (Mumbai). 

About the Wharton School

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania — founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school — is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. The most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world, Wharton bridges research and practice through its broad engagement with the global business community. The School has 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 9,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and an alumni network of 88,000 graduates.

About Eruditus Executive Education

Eruditus Executive Education delivers high quality executive education programs to Indian corporations and participants. Eruditus collaborates with global business schools and renowned faculty to provide programs targeted at India's growing leadership talent pool.


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