New Report From BrightRoll and IAB Canada Shows Agencies Expect Largest Change in Media Spend in 2011 to Come From Increases in Online + Mobile Video Advertising

TORONTO--(Marketwire - Nov 2, 2011) - As part of its ongoing effort to boost the number and type of original, Canadian research studies into Digital marketing and advertising trends and tactics, IAB Canada today announced a recent partnership with BrightRoll Canada to create BrightRoll's 2011 Canadian Video Advertising Report. The study, which is based on the responses of more than 100 decision-makers and media buyers at leading Agencies across Canada, shows that although to date, Advertisers have been slow to match to Canadians' global-leading viewership of Digital Video with ad spend, Agencies expect the largest overall change in Digital media spend in 2011 to come from Online + Mobile Video advertising increases.

Despite the fact that only 8.8% of survey respondents included Digital Video in 80% or more of their 2010 RFPs, Agency personnel nevertheless believe that Digital Video is more effective than both TV and Social Media; and cite Digital Video's targeting abilities of as one of its most valuable attributes.

Pre-Roll Video ads were the dominant Online Video ad format used, with 97% of respondents utilizing them in 2010 media plans (both alone, and in combination with Companion ads adjacent to Video Player environments). And although In-Banner Video, User-Initiated Big Box Video as well as Overlay Video ad formats were also utilized 68%, 59% and 45% of the time respectively, Pre-Roll Video is expected to continue to be the dominant ad format used across all of Online, Mobile and Tablet platforms in the next twelve months.

The price of Digital Video continues to be a barrier to increased spend, especially in the absence of studies demonstrating best practices for driving return on investment (ROI) for Digital Video; and, without research resolving if and how Digital Video GRPs (Gross Rating Points) compare to traditional TV GRPs. Standards such as VAST and VPAID -- designed to assist with the implementation and tracking of Digital Video campaigns -- as well as education about these standards, will also be key to quickly accelerating Digital Video ad spend in Canada.

"The benefits of utilizing Video within the Digital media mix are many, and are now being brought to the surface by a variety of significant players in the field," says Paula Gignac, President, IAB Canada. "IAB Canada's highlight of recent research from Microsoft Advertising that proves that Digital Video is equally or more effective than traditional TV advertising, is an example of one such study; this, coupled with IAB Canada's recent MIXX Canada Full-Day and Roadshow case-study presentations, as well as IAB Canada's own research partnerships with Casale Media and now BrightRoll Canada, proves that there is sound reasoning behind Digital Video's meteoric growth in spend within the past two Canadian Internet Ad Revenue Surveys, and Video's move to the top of the Digital toolbox, as an important instrument for driving Advertiser results."

David Bellemare, Managing Director, BrightRoll Canada, agrees: "Advances in technology, inventory quality and industry standards have helped Canada's Digital Video market evolve into a trusted source of expertise for Advertisers seeking to reach target audiences with maximum impact. BrightRoll Canada remains committed to helping to grow Digital Video and educating Advertisers on its value. Our goal with this study is to foster and contribute to the growing body of industry-wide research that further demonstrates the category's viability and validates the flow of ad dollars into the space."

Download BrightRoll Canada's 2011 Video Advertising Report NOW!

IAB Canada ( is the national voice and de facto thought leader of the Canadian Digital marketing and advertising industry, and is a not-for-profit association representing Canada's most well-known and respected Advertisers, Agencies, Media Companies, Mobile and VideoGame Marketers + Developers, Measurement Companies, Service Providers, Educational Institutions and Government Associations operating within the space.

With more than 150 million monthly unique viewers worldwide, BrightRoll ( is the world's largest and most trusted Video ad network and the leading provider of Online Video advertising services. The BrightRoll Network has access to billions of Video impressions per month enabling advertisers to execute smart Online Video campaigns across a massive pool of Web and Mobile Video inventory. BrightRoll's proprietary buying technology, combined with its full site disclosure, detailed performance reports and flexible targeting provide brands and Agencies with the reach, frequency and scalability needed to achieve their campaign goals. BrightRoll is a privately held, venture-backed company headquartered in San Francisco, California, with European headquarters in London.

Contact Information:

For additional information on Digital Video, including Spend, Trends, Standards, Effectiveness and Case-Studies, contact:

Paula Gignac
President, IAB Canada
416-598-3400 (ext. 26)
pgignac (at) iabcanada (dot) com

For more information on BrightRoll Canada's 2011 Video Advertising Report, contact:

David Bellemare
Managing Director, BrightRoll Canada
davidb (at) brightroll (dot) com