Go4theGoal Pediatric Cancer Foundation Receives $2,600 From Our Children Making Change (OCMC)

Young Philanthropists Help Kids With Cancer

MERCHANTVILLE, N.J., Aug. 29, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Go4theGoal Foundation announced the receipt of a $2,600 donation from Our Children Making Change, a New Jersey-based organization that encourages children to perform chores for charity.

At an early-summer meeting, the OCMC Harrison, NJ Township Chapter selected Go4theGoal as one of the four beneficiaries of this year's summer initiative according to their Group Leader, Valerie George.

Recently, at a formal presentation ceremony the OCMC Team handed a check for slightly over $2,600 to Beth Stefanacci, Go4theGoal's Executive Director and 12-year old AJ Mattia, himself a cancer survivor, recent amputee, and G4G Team member.

To raise the money, OCMC team, comprised of over 100 boys and girls aged 4-14, performed household chores for their families, held bake sales, provided mother's helper services and did odd jobs in their neighborhoods. Groups held special events such as a Bingo game and kickball tournament. Through hard work and perseverance, these creative and hard-working kids raised over $10,000, which was divided equally between the four charities they chose earlier this summer.

"The entire group was both moved and inspired by AJ's story and sparkling personality as he thanked them for their support, and shared some of his story about battling cancer. Since that meeting, several members in the group have chosen to support Go4theGoal's national campaigns, National Dress 4 Pediatric Cancer Day and Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer," said Lisa Pickett, mother of an OCMC team member.

"We are honored to have been chosen as one of the OCMC charities this year. $2,600 will go a long way helping children battling cancer," said Stefanacci. "Our Children Making Change is teaching children at a young age the meaning of philanthropy which will stay with them forever."


Go4theGoal Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 by Dr. Richard and Beth Stefanacci, soon after their oldest child was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Together with funds raised privately and it's many unique awareness and fundraising campaigns, including National Dress 4 Pediatric Cancer Day®, Lace-Up 4 Pediatric Cancer® and Richard's Run® 5K runs, Go4theGoal provides children undergoing cancer treatment and their families with financial assistance, runs fun hospital-based programs, grants special wishes and supplies state-of-the-art electronic products to children and pediatric oncology units in over 40 hospitals across the country. Since 2007, G4G has funded over $500,000 in innovative pediatric cancer research. Go4theGoal.org.


Founded by Laura Dulac of Margate, NJ, Our Children Making Change was developed to give children of all ages an opportunity to contribute to charities in their communities through raising money by performing age-appropriate chores. OCMC gives children who are too young to volunteer a chance to become active participants in their community. OurChildrenMakingChange.org.

Contact: Randy Pickus
Email: randypickus@go4thegoal.org
Tel: (508) 269-8795

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[Image] Our Children Making Change donate $2,600 to Go4theGoal Pediatric Cancer Foundation