Stanger Health Care Centers Offers First Aid Tips During Road Crashes and Traffic Accidents

DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Nov. 08, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to statistics, nearly 1.3 million people die each year from road crashes. This number is high because those involved in crashes do not get the proper care right away. "It is important for people to educate themselves on how to administer first aid and help accident victims receive proper medical care," says Dr. Jeff Stanger. In order to help save lives and lower this statistic, here are some tips provided by Stanger Health Care Centers.

Those involved in an accident should first make sure they have the ability to help others. Along with noting any dizziness, accident victims should ensure their limbs function correctly. After assessing their own body, they can help others. The quietest person should be helped first as it is likely they have the worst injuries. Check for a pulse if they are unresponsive.

When helping accident victims who are bleeding, assess where they are bleeding from and stop it by applying pressure with the palm of the hand. Ask their name and if know what is happening. If they respond appropriately, they probably do not have a head injury. After assessing their condition, call for help or get them to the hospital.

Next, look for an obstruction in the mouth or throat. Clear the obstruction by sticking a finger down the airway. If the airway is clear but there is no pulse, keep the neck straight and administer CPR or External Air Resuscitation (EAR). If blood or vomit obstructs the airway, turn them on their side to prevent choking. If the victim’s neck seems broken or spine is injured, do not move them.

When transporting the victim to the hospital, use a stretcher or stiff board. This limits the amount of movement and minimizes the risk of further injury. While lying down flat, their back and neck should remain straight. Placing a thick cloth underneath the neck gives added support. Transport the patient in a sitting position when there is a limb injury only.

When there is bleeding, elevate the injured part of the body above the body and apply pressure until the patient arrives at the hospital. On the way to the hospital, ensure there is a pulse and the patient is still breathing. If breathing stops, administer CPR or EAR. “Once an accident victim has been helped, it’s important for them to follow up with an injury treatment team. This will give them the best chance at recovery. They can do this by calling Stanger Health Care Centers at 866-426-3876,” says Dr. Jeff Stanger.

To ensure complete care, Stanger Health Care Centers provides a variety of health-related services to their patients. They are located at 601 N Congress Avenue, Suite 417 and their website is

Stanger Health Care Centers, (866) 426-3876