DietDemand Highlights 5 Reasons Why 80 Percent of New Year’s Diets Fail and How to Fix it

Birmingham, AL, Jan. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Easing back into a diet plan after the holidays is easier said than done. The truth is that even for those who are being resolute about weight loss so far this year, a whopping 80% of people tend to lose their motivation by mid-February. It’s a sobering statistic, however there are a few main contributors that can fuel these setbacks.

  1. Opting for diet rather than lifestyle change. When it comes to dieting, most are created as a temporary means for losing weight. The majority of fad diets are not sustainable nor recommended for long-term use. If you’ve started out with a 2-week, 30-day, 60-day or even 90-day diet you may have a good chance of falling back into old habits once the diet is completed. This is the reason why making lifestyle changes may be the way to go. It’s fundamentally better to gradually make adjustments in your eating patterns and create obtainable goals that can lead to long term changes. As your personal weight loss coach, Diet Demand’s staff creates a customizable diet plan for your needs, and helps you lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle change.
  2. Old habits die hard. If you’re an emotional eater, a stress eater, a seasonal eater, have difficulty with portion control, or aren’t sure which foods are contributing to weight gain, not getting down to the root of these habits can set you up for failure. This is especially true if you’ve attempted to diet in the past. Diet Demand’s approach is to use a comprehensive strategy, helping you recognize eating triggers and behaviors and help keep you on track with powerful prescription diet aids to help with appetite suppression, carb and sugar craving control, stress-based eating and more.
  3. Losing weight slowly. Let’s say you’re sticking to your diet but you’re not seeing the results you hoped to see, this can be a major source of discouragement. In fact, it’s what leads many to abandon their weight loss hopes less than 90 days in. Diet Demand creates doctor-designed, customized diets that specifically help you hit weight loss targets within specific timeframes. No more long diets with little to show for it, Diet Demand’s comprehensive diet and prescription program keeps you on track.
  4. You need support. Even if you have a supportive loved one in your corner, relearning what foods to consume and when can be a challenge. You may not understand what all to expect or how much weight you should be losing when you attempt a new diet on your own. This is why Diet Demand provides certified weight loss doctors and coaches available by phone 24/7 to help with meal planning, grocery shopping, dining out and more. There’s nothing better than having personalized help via certified weight loss professionals who can review your plan and help you along the way.
  5. A better solution. Most diets have a one-size-fits-all strategy, so it’s assumed that what works for some people will work for you as well. Unfortunately, many factors can determine how well a specific diet works for you. Diet Demand takes a personalized approach by gathering information on your individual body macros in order to develop a diet that is specific to your needs. Due to the success of this customized model, Diet Demand clients have a 94 percent success rate.

See what Diet Demand can do for you by easily and effortlessly visiting  to complete an initial comprehensive, yet simple, health questionnaire and schedule an immediate personal, no-cost consultation. DietDemand’s physicians all received specialized training in nutritional science and fast weight loss. DietDemand reviews each patient’s health history to create a personalized diet plan geared for fast weight loss, or that addresses life-long issues causing weight loss to slow down or stop.  Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to craft meal and snack plans that are compatible with each patient’s age, gender, activity level, food preferences, nutritional needs and medical conditions. They combine these state-of-the-art diet plans with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to reach for sugary snacks, eliminate fatigue and curb the appetite. Over 97% of DietDemand patients report incredible weight loss results with the majority losing 20 or more pounds per month.


At DietDemand, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.  


About the Company:

DietDemand is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support.  For over a decade, DietDemand has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.   


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