Company Announcement No. 7/2020–2021: minutes Annual General Meeting AX V Nissens ApS 2020-2021

Horsens, June 25, 2021

Company Announcement No. 7/20202021

The general meeting held June 25, 2021 adopted the report on the company's activities in the past financial year. 

The annual report 2020/2021 was approved by the general meeting.

The general meeting adopted the proposal from the board of directors to transfer the result for the financial year to retained earnings.

Niels Jacobsen, Alan Nissen, Lars Cordt, Christian Frigast, Søren K. Vilby and Marc de Jong was re-elected to the Board of directors.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board were granted discharge.

EY (Ernst & Young Statsautoriseret Revisionsselskab) was re-elected as the Company’s auditors for the financial year 2021/2022.

On behalf of the Chairman Niels Jacobsen.

Mikkel Krogslund Andersen, CEO                                

Jakob Backs, CFO