How Six Simple Rules From Registered Dietitian Kim Shapira Can Turn a Diet into a Sustainable Lifestyle

Studio City, CA, Jan. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When people are looking to lose weight, fad diet culture can feel inescapable, especially when these systems seem to promise miracles for shedding pounds. Dietitian and Nutrition Therapist Kim Shapira offers something different – a proven lifestyle method based on over twenty-five years of experience.

She’s the author of the upcoming book “This Is What You’re Really Hungry For,” a vital guide for anyone who wants a sustainable, manageable, and effective plan for shedding pounds and maintaining weight while still enjoying what they eat. Her six simple rules encourage people to take control of their mind and body instead of making them feel guilty about their daily lives.

“People are scared to eat anything they want because most fad diets make them feel bad about their everyday choices,” says Shapira. “I used my deep knowledge of nutrition to develop an easy-to-follow method. It won’t criticize you, only help you craft a balanced lifestyle, which will lead to a healthier you.”

Kim’s first book, which is taking pre-orders now for its July 2023 release, details a path away from diet culture – a path where people learn to stop shaming themselves for what they eat. Kim Shapira’s method embraces normal eating and promotes a healthy relationship with food for sustainable results.

It’s the culmination of her quarter century of working with celebrities, hospitals, sports clinics, addiction centers, universities, and others on the ever-important matter of food and well-being. The ultimate goal is to build a healthy relationship with food.

Shapira’s credentials back up her method, including a B.S. in Exercise Science and Kinesiology from Tulane University and an M.S. in Human Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition from Boston University. Her method encourages individuals to commit to learning more about why they eat so they can have that normal relationship with food. This includes six simple rules that are non-negotiable to master habit and routine.

Shapira’s must-read book provides everything you need to know about a grounded and controlled approach to food. “I help people to think more about why they are eating instead of what they are eating and if they’re actually hungry,” she says.

For anyone either stuck with a diet that’s not working, has tried a diet that flopped, or is thinking about weight loss for the first time, Shapira explains her six simple rules for a successful new approach.

  1. Focus on hunger
    “Eat when you’re hungry: take your normal portion-start with the first half and wait fifteen minutes to see if you need more,” she says. Empowered with Shapira’s method, this becomes the cornerstone of a healthy relationship with food.

  2. Eat what you love
    Too many diets are punitive and fail because they’re too restrictive. This can lead to cravings, guilt, binges, and ultimately, weight gain. Eat what you love – and make sure the food loves you back.

  3. Eat without distraction
    Don’t eat as a reward or mindlessly in front of the TV, as this can lead to overeating. Eating mindfully allows a person to truly tap into their hunger cues.

  4. Walk 10,000 steps every day
    Daily activity can help with any health journey. This goal is flexible, attainable, and not overtaxing on the body. And is essential for maintaining your weight.

  5. Drink eight cups of water daily
    “We can’t lose weight without water, which helps us detox and cleanse,” says Shapira – something most diets fail to focus on.

  6. Get seven hours of sleep nightly
    Stress and lack of sleep make it hard to lose weight and hinder the body’s health. Sleep is the optimal time to heal your body from stress and helps create a more mindful, grounded day ahead.

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Kim Shapira