Sword Group: Sword Group: H1 2023 Report of the Liquidity Agreement

Liquidity Contract

Windhof - August, 31st 2023

Sword Group - H1 Report of the Liquidity Agreement contracted with ODDO BHF from 01/01/2023 au 30/06/2023

Under the liquidity contract awarded by Sword Group to ODDO BHF,as of 30/06/2023, the following resources appeared on the account of liquidity:
- Number of transactions executed during the semester at purchase: 1,244
- Number of transactions executed during the semester on sale: 1,258
- Volume exchanged over the semester upon purchase: 38,280 shares for an amount of €1,657,687
- Volume exchanged over the semester for sale: 35,726 shares for an amount of €1,558,499

As a reminder, during the last balance sheet of 31/12/2022, the following resources appeared in the liquidity account:

The implementation of the liquidity contract is carried out in accordance with AMF Decision No. 2018-01 dated July 2, 2018, establishing liquidity contracts on equity securities as accepted market practice.

Under the liquidity contract awarded by Sword Group to ODDO BHF, as of 30/06/2023, the following resources appeared on the account of liquidity:

- Number of transactions executed during the semester at purchase: 1,244

- Number of transactions executed during the semester on sale: 1,258

- Volume exchanged over the semester upon purchase: 38,280 shares for an amount of €1,657,687

- Volume exchanged over the semester for sale: 35,726 shares for an amount of €1,558,499

As a reminder, during the last balance sheet of 31/12/2022, the following resources appeared in the liquidity account:

The implementation of the liquidity contract is carried out in accordance with AMF Decision No. 2018-01 dated July 2, 2018, establishing liquidity contracts on equity securities as accepted market practice.

About Sword Group
Sword has 2,800+ IT/Digital & Software specialists present in 50+ countries to accompany you in the growth of your organisation in the digital age.
As a leader in technological and digital transformation, Sword has a solid reputation in complex IT & business project management.
Sword optimises your processes and enhances your data.

Contact: Sword Group - 2, rue d’Arlon L-8399 Windhof - investorrelations@sword-group.lu 



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