MG Baltic group announcement regarding ORS of Stumbras AB submitted to Vilnius Stock Exchange

Today, 19.04.2007,  UAB Mineraliniai vandenys (MV), an asociated company of MG
Baltic Group, sold 650 000 or 1,63% ORS of AB Stumbras to Aurora Holding, an
investment company registered in Iceland. The total value of transaction was
LTL 5 million. In the nearest future MG Baltic is going to present the results
and future plans of AB Stumbras and offer to market players up to 40 % of AB
Stumbras shares. After transaction mentioned above, MV owns 96,05 % of AB

Info:  “MG Baltic Investment”,  Investment Project Manager 
Renata Maksimavičienė,  tel.: +370 5 2786 221, gsm: +370 686 05043