Concerning the purchase of the credit given to AB "Gubernija"

Following the information provided by UAB "Respublikos“ investicija,
registration code 124207421, on the 23rd of April, 2007, UAB „Respublikos“
investicija (registration code 124207421) and AB”Ūkio bankas“ (registration
code 112050656) signed agreement of cooperation according too that agreement
AB“Ūkio bankas“ with his name and means, but UAB “Respublikos“ investicija
risk, purchased 6005100,60 EUR  AB“Gubernija“ given credit from AB“Hansabankas“
and AB SEB Vilniaus bankas. Until te 6th of June 2007 UAB“Respublikos“
comited repay 6005100,60 EUR to AB“Ūkio bankas“. 

On behalf of AB “Gubernija”:

Romas Bubnelis
General Manager