Latvijas Hipoteku un zemes banka - Interim information

Latvijas Hipoteku un zemes banka - Interim information                          
BALANCE SHEET 01.07.2007.                                                       
|    Assets (Net value)    | Thousan |          Liabilities          | Thousan |
|                          |  ds of  |                               |  ds of  |
|                          |   LVL   |                               |   LVL   |
| Term deposit in Central  |    -    | Due to Central Bank           |       - |
| Bank                     |         |                               |         |
| Cash and balances with   |  54 184 | Subordinated debt             |  13 300 |
| Central Bank             |         |                               |         |
| Due from credit          |  60 343 | Due to credit institutions    | 348 372 |
| institutions             |         |                               |         |
| Total loans to customers |     598 | Total deposits                |     292 |
| incl. loans from transit |     342 | incl. transit funds           |     462 |
| funds                    |     788 | incl. other                   |       2 |
| incl. other              |     597 |                               |     701 |
|                          |     554 |                               |      86 |
|                          |         |                               |     044 |
| Fixed income securities  |  57 229 | incl. individuals             | 203 717 |
|                          |         |                               |       6 |
| Equity securities        |     105 | Other liabilities             |   9 883 |
| available for sale       |         |                               |         |
| Investments in           |      74 | Mortgage bonds                |  56 609 |
| associated entities      |         |                               |         |
| Investments in           |     350 | Liabilities under management	 |       - |
| subsidiaries             |         |                               |         |
| Fixed and intangible     |  12 057 | Deferred income and accrued   |   6 731 |
| assets                   |         | expenses                      |         |
| Assets under management	 |       - | Provision for doubtful debts  |   1 458 |
| Other assets             |   1 333 | Shareholder's equity          |  60 865 |
| Deferred expenses and    |   5 663 | incl. profit for the          |   3 696 |
| accrued income           |         | accounting period             |         |
| Total assets             | 789 680 | Total liabilities             | 789 680 |