Tiimari result as expected considering seasonality

TIIMARI OYJ ABP                   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 12 November 2007       


Tiimari result as expected considering seasonality                              

30 SEPTEMBER 2007:                                                              

- Turnover MEUR 43.3 (MEUR 2.8)                                                 
- EBITDA MEUR -0.7 (MEUR 0.3, result MEUR -4.0 (MEUR 0.3) both including a MEUR 
1.4 acquisition cost depreciation of inventory                                  
- Earnings per share MEUR -0.40 (MEUR 0.05)                                     
- Signing of the lease for the first Russian store                              
- Leo Longlife Design Oy changed its name to Tiimore Oy and opened a web shop   

STATEMENT OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR                                              

In the third quarter, Tiimari continued the development of both domestic and    
foreign retail operations. In the beginning of the year, several stores were    
renewed according to the introduced concept. The renewal process cut down the   
sales of the group, several stores being closed during the renewal, but sales of
the stores reflecting the new concept evolved better than before, as was        
expected. The modernisation of Tiimari Kaivopiha, the largest Tiimari store, is 
one of the renewal projects started during the review period.                   

Tiimari continued its international expansion by signing the lease for opening  
the first Tiimari store in St. Petersburg for the Christmas season and for      
opening the fourth Polish store in Bialystok in November.                       
Business gift merchandiser Leo Longlife Design Oy, owned by Tiimari Plc, changed
its name to Tiimore Oy on 23 August 2007.                                       

The change of name became actual after the product assortment and operations    
model of the company were changed and expanded substantially. Previously        
consisting mainly of Leo Longlife Design products, the assortment was expanded  
by utilising the purchasing and logistics expertise of Tiimari Retail Oy. In    
addition to using traditional sales representatives, a web shop was opened at   
www.tiimore.com on 23 August.                                                   
The CRM and ordering systems were also modernised.                              

At the end of the review period, Tiimari had a total of 178 own stores, the     
number of the equivalent period in 2006 being 182 stores.                       

                        30.9.2007          30.9.2006                            

Finland                       156                156                            
Estonia                        14                 17                            
Latvia                          4                  4                            
Norway                          1                  2                            
Poland                          3                  2                            
Sweden                          0                  1                            

In addition, Tiimari had partnership stores and franchise stores as follows     

                         30.9.2007          30.9.2006                           

Partnership stores               6                  7                           
Franchise stores                10                  9                           

At the end of the review period, the Tiimari retail chain consisted of a total  
of 194 (198) stores.                                                            
A central part of Tiimari's strategy is to increase the number of stores and to 
optimise their location and size in square metres.                              

FINANCIAL RESULT                                                                

The turnover of the Tiimari group in the review period was MEUR 43.3 (MEUR 2.8).
In the period of comparison from 1 January to 30 September 2006, the company    
engaged exclusively in the sale of business gifts and related industrial        

Turnover reached MEUR 14.8 (MEUR 1.5) in the third quarter. Earnings before     
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) reached a total of MEUR 
-0.7 (MEUR 0.3) in the review period.                                           

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) reached 
a total of MEUR -0.5 (MEUR -0.03) in the third quarter.                         

EBITDA of the third quarter includes MEUR 1.4 of inventory write-offs that are  
related to the acquisition of Maritii Oy. After tax, the earnings of the review 
period were MEUR 4.0 (MEUR 0.3).                                                

The result of the financial period was MEUR -1.2 (MEUR 0.05) in the third       
quarter. Earnings per share from continued operations were EUR -0.13 (EUR 0.00) 

BALANCE, FINANCIAL SITUATION AND INVESTMENTS                                    

On 30 September 2007, the total balance of Tiimari Plc was MEUR 83.6 (MEUR      
21.1). The company has a solid financial situation. Interest-bearing net        
liabilities accounted for MEUR 37.0 (MEUR -15.1), the solvency ratio was 36.4 % 
(89.0 %) and the net gearing 121.6 % (-80.5 %). Seasonal fluctuations have a    
considerable impact on the company's financial situation. Despite the seasonal  
fluctuations, the company managed to reduce its stock as compared to the        
beginning of the year, and an increased level of stock rotation is pursued in   
the future as well.                                                             

During the review period, the central investments were made in the retail store 
network, totalling at MEUR 0.6.                                                 

HUMAN RESOURCES                                                                 

The number of people employed by the group on 30 September 2007 was 559 (40) and
on average 562 (40),of whom the most worked for Tiimari Retail Oyj. The parent  
Company employed 1 (5) person, and Leo Longlife Design Oy employed 37 (35) and  
on average 37 (35) persons.                                                     

GROUP STRUCTURE                                                                 

The Tiimari Plc group consists of parent company Tiimari Plc and directly       
or indirectly entirely owned Maritii Oy (Helsinki), Tiimari Retail Oyj          
(Lahti), Tiimari Sweden AB (Stockholm), Tiimari Baltic AS (Tallinn), Tiimari    
Latvia SIA (Riga), Tiimari Polska SP Z.O.O (Warsaw), Tiimari Moscow Z.A.O.,     
Tiimari St. Petersburg O.O.O., Tiimore Oy and Tuotesampo Oy (Tuotesampo Oy has  
no operations). The group includes also Tiimari Norway AS (Oslo), of which the  
group's share of ownership is 67.8% and the joint-stock property company        
Osuuskunnantie 30, which is a 10% subsidiary of Tiimari Plc and a 90% subsidiary
of Tiimore Oy.                                                                  

SHARE CAPITAL                                                                   

At the end of the review period, the registered share capital of Tiimari Plc    
totalled at EUR 7,686,200, representing an aggregate number of 9,847,750 voting 
rights. The Company had a total of 2672 shareholders.                           
At the end of the review period, the number of own shares held by the company   
was 11,850. The number of shares corresponds to that held at the beginning of   
the period. The nominal value of shares held by the Company was MEUR 0.01 and   
the proportion of share capital and voting rights was 0.12%.                    

DEVELOPMENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                            

Tiimari group acquired the Swedish retail chain Gallerix under a transaction    
signed on 1 November 2007. The Gallerix chain operates mainly on the franchising
principle. The primary purchase price of the entire share capital of Gallerix   
International AB was MSEK 65.5 (approx. MEUR 7.1). In addition, a maximum       
additional purchase price of MSEK 21.0 (approx. MEUR 2.3) was agreed on. The    
amount of the additional price depends on Gallerix's financial development up to
the end of the year. Gallerix will be consolidated with Tiimari with effect from
1 November 2007.                                                                

Gallerix is the leading Swedish retail chain specialising in wall decoration    
items, gift wrapping items and cards. The company has 92 stores in Sweden and   
one store in Finland. The acquisition is estimated to create definite synergies,
the total annual value of which is projected to total at over MEUR 1. The       
synergies are estimated to realise in full within the next two-year period.     
During the period from 1 September 2006 to 31 August 2007, Gallerix             
International AB turnover was MEUR 12.55 and the operating margin MEUR 0.9. The 
total balance of the acquired company on 31 August 2007 was MEUR 4.6. Tiimari is
currently calculating the precise acquisition effects.                          

Tiimari will profit from Gallerix's measurable franchising expertise, solid     
knowledge of the Swedish markets and the opportunity to establish a more        
extensive clientele. The merger will boost domestic business growth. The        
established company will be a more favourable partner to shopping centres and   
other store facility leaseholders through the combined appeal of two vibrant    
concepts. The combination of these strong concepts will strengthen the position 
of the new company also when obtaining new business facilities in the Baltic    
countries, Poland and in Russia.                                                
The Gallerix retail concept fits the Finnish market well. In addition to        
individual specialized stores, mainly home decoration departments of department 
stores are currently focusing on the increasingly popular wall furnishing and   
decoration trend in Finland. Tiimari Plc is planning to convert and open several
stores under the Gallerix concept within the next year.                         

Tiimari continued the launch of the new store concept by modernising the stores 
located in Keskuskatu in Helsinki (12 October) and in Yliopistonkatu, Turku (25 
October). During the transition, the store in Kemi was renewed (1 October). New 
stores were opened in Ahjokatu in Jyväskylä (7 November), the Atomi shopping    
centre in Riihimäki (1 November) and to the immediate vicinity of the new Prisma
supermarket in Viikki (8 November). In addition, Tiimari has signed a lease for 
opening a store in the Revontuli shopping centre in Rovanienmi in December.     

Tiimari continues its international expansion by opening a new store with a     
floor space of 206 m2 in Bialystok, North-Eastern Poland in the beginning of    
November. The store will be located in a new shopping centre, Galleria Podlaska,
which is being constructed around Carrefour. In addition to local Polish        
consumers, the proximity of the trade centre to the border will attract         
Byelorussian consumers as well.                                                 

Tarja Nikkarikoski, Student of Philosophy holding a vocational qualification in 
Business information Technology, was appointed the Chief Information Officer of 
Tiimari Plc and a member of the Management Group with effect from 15            
October 2007.                                                                   

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                

Tiimari Plc will open 7 new stores during November and December, 5 of which will
be located in Finland, one in Poland and one in Russia. The acquired Gallerix   
retail chain will be consolidated with the Tiimari group with effect from 1     

The anticipated turnover of the entire year 2007, including the turnover of     
Gallerix is approximately MEUR 77.0, the forecasted earnings before interest,   
taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) being approximately MEUR 8.0 and  
including yet for this year the  MEUR 1.4 acquisition cost depreciation of      
inventory for Maritii Oy  but not the possible depreciation related to the      
acquisition of Gallerix. This is based on the reported result of the final      
quarter of the previous year, adjusted with the non-recurring inventory         
write-off and acquisition cost depreciation and consolidated with the result of 
1 January - 30 September 2007. The anticipated result of 2007 is clearly        
positive. As last year, the majority of the earnings are entered as income      
during the last quarter.                                                        

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The biggest challenges that Tiimari is faced with are the fluctuations in the   
consumption, demand and the competition environment, as well as                 
the attainability of advantageous business locations in the international       
market. Tiimari is currently concentrating heavily on developing its stores and 
marketing activities. The company is seeking growth in the number of visitors   
and the amount of purchases per visitor, as well as developing its international
operations. Managing the potential growth requires investments in               
administration, new locations, internationalization and recruiting more staff.  
Tiimari strives to prepare for changes in consumer demand and the competition   
environment by knowing the consumer, constantly developing the Company concept, 
and by implementing new and innovative business solutions.                      

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

This Interim Report has been prepared according to the Recognition and          
Measurement principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards       
(IFRS). This Interim report is unaudited.                                       

All the future estimates and forecasts made here are based on the company's     
current vision of the market and economical developments. Actual events and     
results may differ considerably. Due to the fact that Tiimari Plc had yet not   
engaged in Tiimari Retail operations one year ago, the business operations      
cannot, as such, be compared to the equivalent quarter of the previous year.    

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                            
EUR 1,000                              2007      2006     2007     2006     2006
                                        7-9       7-9      1-9      1-9     1-12
Continued operations                                                            
TURNOVER                             14,804     1,556   43,278    2,779   32,819
Other operating income                    9         8      171        8      346
Change in inventories                   352      -211     -509      -80   -8,992
Materials and supplies               -6,865    -1,059  -16,876   -1,201   -7,667
Work benefit and reward expenses       -3,519     -177   -11,114   -727   -4,717
Depreciation                             -534      -33    -1,645   -102     -871
Other operating costs                  -5,161     -147   -15,615   -465   -4,900
Operating profit / loss                  -914      -63    -2,310    212    6,018
Financial income and expenses            -634      128    -1,974    238     -793
Profit / loss before taxes             -1,548       65    -4,284    450    5,225
Taxes                                     303      -17       303   -130     -396
Profit/loss for the review period                                               
from continued operations              -1,245       48    -3,981    320    4,829
Discontinued operations                                                         
from discontinued operations                0      183         0  1,465    1,460
Profit/loss for the financial year     -1,245      231    -3,981  1,785    6,289
Parent company shareholders'                                                    
profit earnings                                                                 
per share                                                                       
Undiluted earnings per share                                                    
Continued operations                    -0.13     0.00     -0.40   0,05     0.70

Discontinued operations                           0.03             0.22     0.21
The adjusted value with the dilution effect                                     
earnings per share correspond to those of the                                   
undiluted earnings per share                                                    

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                                                     
                                      30.09.07        30.09.06         31.12.06 
Business value                          32,987               0           35,392 
Other intangible assets                 15,009              27           15,387 
Tangible assets                          3,408             423            9,890 
Investment properties                        0               0                0 
Other financing resources                  114              11              114 
Receivables                                 79               8              134 
Imputed tax credit                       1,584               0                0 
Total long-term assets                  53,181             469           60,917 
Current assets                          24,934           2,480           25,206 
Trade and other receivables              4,222           1,357            3,852 
Liquid assets                            1,273          15,170            8,323 
Total current assets                    30,429          19,007           37,381 
Non-current assets                                                              
held for sale                                0           1,647              830 

TOTAL ASSETS                            83,610          21,123           99 128 

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Parent Company's shareholders                                                   
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY             30,462           18,798           35,891 
Imputed tax credit                      5,642                0            6,552 
Interest-bearing liabilities           24,602               30           20,835 
Provisions                                 27                0               45 
Total non-current liabilities          30,271               30           27,432 

Interest-bearing liabilities           13,708                0           21,080 
Provisions                                 22                0                0 
Accounts payable and other payables      9,147            1,930           14,040
Current tax                                  0              365              165
Total current liabilities               22,877            2,295           35,285
Liabilities related to non-current                                              
assets held for sale                         0                0              520
TOTAL LIABILITIES                       53,148            2,325           63,237
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY              83,610           21,123           99,128
AND LIABILITIES                                                                 

Parent Company's shareholders' equity                                           

Calculation of changes to shareholders' equity 1.1.-30.9.2007                   

                    Own             Current                                     
            Share   equity    Own     value    Accumulated                      
Own equity  equity  fund     shares    fund    Transl. diff.   profits      Tot.
Own equity   7,686   11,558     -55       0           -27       16,729    35,891
Transl. difference conversion                          16                     16
Profit/loss for the financial period                            -3,981    -3,981
Total recognised profit                                                         
and loss                                               16       -3,981    -3,965
Distribution of dividend                                        -1,477    -1,477
share-based payments                                                13        13
Own equity   7,686   11,558     -55       0           -11       11,284    30,462

Calculation of changes to shareholders' equity 1.1.-30.90.2006                  

                     Own            Current                                     
            Share   equity   Own      value     Accumulated                     
Own equity  equity  fund     shares    fund     Transl. diff.  profits     Tot. 
Own equity   6,600   0      -119       -6           0          13,773    20,248 
Profit/loss for the financial period                            1,785     1,785 
Total recognised profit                                                         
and loss for the                                                                
period                                                           1,785    1,785 
of own shares                64                                              64 
Distribution of dividend                                        -3,300   -3,300 
Other items                                                         1         1 
Own equity   6,600   0      -55        -6           0           12,259   18,798 

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
                                             1-9/07       1-9/06         1-12/06

Consolidated statements of cash flows                                           
Cash flows from operations                                                      
Profit/loss for financial period             -3,981        1,784           6,289
Depreciation and decrease in value            1,644          102             871
Financial income and expenses                 1,973         -238             793
Taxes                                          -303          169             435
Other adjustments                              -135            0            -361
Change in working capital:                                                      
Change in short-term receivables               -190       -1,115            -102
Change in inventories                           271          734           9,308
Change in short-term liabilities             -4,858         -346          -1,180
Interests paid                               -1,962            0          -3,548
Interest income received                         66            8             305
Taxes paid                                     -227         -155            -145
Net cash flow from operations                -7,702          943          12,665
Cash flows from investment activities                                           
Investments in tangible and intangible                                          
assets                                         -811            7             -51
Acquisitions of subsidiary companies                                            
net of cash acquired                              0            0         -22,325

Capital gains from                                                              
tangible and intangible assets                6,680            0           1,494
Repayment on other receivables                    0            0               0
Repayment on loan receivables                    55            4               2
Additional purchase price                    -1,500            0               0
Net cash flow from investments                4,424           11         -20,880

Cash flows from financing activities                                            
Share issue                                       0            0          12,644
Long-term loans, increase                         0            0          13,859
Long-term loans, decrease                    -2,975            0         -34,836
Purchase and issue of own shares                  0           64              64
Long-term loans, increase                     3,174            0          32,974
Long-term loans, decrease                    -5,014            0         -20,617
Short-term loans, decrease                   -3,980            0               0
Dividends paid                               -1,477       -1,584          -3,286
Net cash flow from financing                 -3,772       -1,520             802
Change in financial resources                -7,050         -566          -7,413
Liquid assets January 1, 2007                 8,323       15,736          15,736
Liquid assets September 30, 2007              1,273       15,170           8,323

SEGMENT-SPECIFIC FIGURES                                                        

The Company's continued operations form two primary                             
Business segments: Tiimari Retail Oyj and Tiimore Oy.                           

Turnover by segment                                                             

EUR 1000                                2007      2006     2007    2006     2006
                                         7-9       7-9      1-9     1-9     1-12
Tiimari business operations            14,592        0   41,916       0   27,478
Tiimore business operations               212      213    1,362     979    1,622
Other operations                            0    1,343        0   1,800    3,719
Total                                  14,804    1,556   43,278   2,779   32,819

Profit / loss                                                                   
Tiimari business operations              -703        0   -1,958       0    6,717
Tiimore business operations              -269     -185     -326    -183     -385
Other operations                           58      122      -26     395     -314
Total                                    -914      -63   -2,310     212    6,018

Assets and liabilities by segment     30.09.2007      30.09.2006        31.12.06

Assets by segment EUR 1 000                                                     
Tiimari business operations               80,610               0          88,716
Tiimore business operations                3,967           1,136           3,660
Unaligned assets                           4,100          19,987          11,584
Elimination                               -5,067               0          -4,832
Total                                     83,610          21,123          99,128

Liabilities by segment EUR 1 000                                                
Tiimari business operations                8,219               0          15,101
Tiimore business operations                  596             172             357
Unaligned liabilities                     49,973           2,153          53,224
Elimination                               -5,640               0          -5,445
Total                                     53,148           2,325          63,237

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                30.09.2007     30.09.2006         31.12.06

Financial institution loans against                                             
the following securities                  25,193              0           24,617

Real estate mortgages                      2,361              0            8,029
Corporate mortgages                       31,137              0           31,137
Pledged shares                             1,476              0            1,476
Other own liabilities:                                                          
Irrevocable letters of credit                  0              0              292
Other liabilities                             13             13               13

OTHER TENANCY LIABILITIES                                                       

Due within one year                       10,057              0           10,577
Due after one year                         6,079              0            2,619

GROUP INVESTMENTS AND DEPRECIATIONS EUR 1,000                                   

                                          2007             2006             2006
                                           1-9              1-9             1-12

Gross investments                          931                8              150
Depreciations                            7,228            2,000              859

CHANGES TO GROUP'S FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOANS                                  

                                      30.09.07         30.09.06         31.12.06

Increase                                 9,674                0           46,833
Decrease                                -7,989                0          -55,451
Loan repayments                         -3 980                0                0
Total of changes                        -2,295                0           -8,618

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  
                                             1-9/07        1-9/06        1-12/06

Turnover                                     43,278         2,779         32,819
Operating profit / loss                      -2,310           212          6,018
Result of the financial period               -3,981           319          4,829
Earnings / share, EUR                         -0.40          0.22           0.91
Earnings / share, from continued oper, EUR    -0.40          0.05           0.70
SH equity / share, EUR                         3.09          2.85           3.64
SH equity / share (diluted), EUR               3.09          2.85           3.64
Solvency ratio                                36.43 %       88.99 %      36.20 %
Gearing (level of indebtedness)              121.58 %      -80.54 %      95.05 %
Balance sheet total                          83,610        21,123         99,128
Number of shares (average)                9,847,750     6,600,000      6,864,386
Interest-bearing net liabilities             37,037       -15,140         33,593

CALCULATION OF KEY INDICATORS                                                   

Earnings/share (EPS), EUR=                                                      
(Earnings before extraordinary items - taxes) / Avg. number of shares adjusted  
for the share issue.                                                            

Shareholders' equity/share, EUR=                                                
Shareholders' equity / Number of shares at the end of the preview period        

Solvency ratio-%=                                                               
(Shareholders' equity*100)/(Balance sheet total-advance payments received)      

Level of indebtedness (gearing)=                                                
(Interest-bearing liabilities-cash at bank) * 100/SH equity                     

Interest-bearing net liabilities                                                
Interest-bearing liabilities - cash at bank                                     


On 30.09.2007, Tiimari Plc had a total of 2672 shareholders.                    

Major shareholders, 30.09.2007                                                  

                                                                     % of shares
                                                    Shares     and voting rights

Atine Group Oy                                      2,081,216               21.1
Assetman Oy                                         1,000,000               10.2
Baltiska Handels A.B.                                 455,224                4.6
Cumasa Oy                                             407,625                4.1
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company                375,000                3.8
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company            351,781                3.6
Nordea Bank Finland Oyj, administrative reg.          339,409                3.4
Pohjola Non-Life Insurance Company                    202,092                2.1
Troll Capital Oy                                      127,000                1.3
Suomen Kauppayhtiöt Oy                                125,000                1.3
Tapiola Suomi Mutual Fund                             103,602                1.1
Arvo Finland Value Mutual Fund                        100,000                1.0
Moneda Consulting Oy                                   87,500                0.9
Syrjänen Jaakko                                        61,875                0.6
Illi Kristina                                          60,000                0.6
EQ Pankki Oy                                           50,000                0.5
Nordea Bank Finland Plc                                50,000                0.5
Turpeinen Urho                                         50,000                0.5
Jyväsjärvi Juha                                        35,000                0.4
Lamy Oy                                                32,625                0.3
Mezera Oy                                              31,250                0.3
Mäki Raimo                                             30,500                0.3
Potrykus Yvonne                                        30,000                0.3
Kallio Mika                                            29,687                0.3
Brade Jouko                                            28,750                0.3

Kristina Illi                                                                   
Managing Director                                                               

Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange                                           
Key media                                                                       

Further information: Managing Director Kristina Illi, tel. +358 (0)400 408 889
Company ProfileTiimari Oyj AbpIndustry: Diversified Industrials