Source: Automobile Club of Southern California

AAA Texas: Weekend Gas Watch

Gas Prices Dip for 4th Week

HOUSTON, TX--(Marketwire - December 28, 2007) - Gasoline prices nationally and statewide dipped for the fourth straight week, according to the AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch.

In Texas, the average dropped about a penny to $2.84 a gallon. The national average is $2.98, a decrease of a penny.

"The end of the year is usually a time when demand for gasoline tapers off and retail prices start to drop," said AAA Texas spokesperson Rose Rougeau. "Despite the recent decreases, the current averages remain 60 cents higher than last year."

Corpus Christi replaces Houston as the lowest average surveyed at $2.79 a gallon -- down two cents. The Austin-San Marcos area has the highest average on the list at $2.90 a gallon -- down slightly less than a penny.

Average Daily Prices as of 12:01 a.m., December 28, 2007

                        Weekly           Weekly            Record     Ago
Area          12/27/07  Change 12/20/07  Change  12/14/07   High    Average
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -0.4                            $   3.227
National     $    2.981   cent  $ 2.985     N/C  $ 2.985  (5/24/07) $ 2.335
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -0.8                            $   3.085
State        $    2.839   cent  $ 2.847    -1.0  $ 2.857  (5/23/07) $ 2.217
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                                                         $   3.308
Amarillo     $    2.835    N/C  $ 2.835    -2.1  $ 2.856  (7/13/07) $ 2.219
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
Austin - San             -0.7                            $   3.048
 Marcos      $    2.902   cent  $ 2.909    -1.4  $ 2.923  (5/22/07) $ 2.252
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -0.5                            $   3.055
Beaumont     $    2.851   cent  $ 2.856    -0.8  $ 2.864  (5/22/07) $ 2.192
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
Corpus                   -2.0                            $   3.011
 Christi     $    2.788  cents  $ 2.808    -1.7  $ 2.825  (5/23/07) $ 2.163
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -0.4                            $   3.062
Dallas       $    2.818   cent  $ 2.822    -0.2  $ 2.824  (5/24/07) $ 2.224
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -2.8                            $   3.278
El Paso      $    2.791  cents  $ 2.819    -4.0  $ 2.859  (5/26/07) $ 2.172
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         +0.4                            $   3.058
Ft. Worth    $    2.814   cent  $ 2.810    -0.2  $ 2.812  (5/23/07) $ 2.219
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
Galveston -              -1.7                            $   3.056
 Texas City  $    2.806  cents  $ 2.823    -1.1  $ 2.834  (5/22/07) $ 2.182
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -0.5                            $   3.042
Houston      $    2.802   cent  $ 2.807    -1.0  $ 2.817  (5/23/07) $ 2.187
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
                         -1.8                            $   2.994
San Antonio  $    2.858  cents  $ 2.876    -1.6  $ 2.892  (5/24/07) $ 2.185
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------
Texarkana                -1.0                            $   3.070
 (TX only)   $    2.894   cent  $ 2.904     N/C  $ 2.904 (11/10/07) $ 2.257
             ---------- ------  ------- -------  ------- ---------  -------

Contact Information: Contact: Rose Rougeau 713.284.6552 (direct) e-mail: