Announcement on the results of government debt securities primary placement auctions.

| ISIN code of the security |  LV00005   |  LV00005   |  LV00005  |  LV00005   |
|                           |   90016    |   40953    |   70067   |   32208    |
| Date of competitive       | 12.03.2008 | 12.03.2008 | 12.03.200 | 12.03.2008 |
| multi-price auction       |            |            |     8     |            |
| Settlement date           | 14.03.2008 | 14.03.2008 | 14.03.200 | 14.03.2008 |
|                           |            |            |     8     |            |
| Maturity date             | 10.08.2018 | 13.03.2009 | 14.03.201 | 12.09.2008 |
|                           |            |            |     3     |            |
| Supply value for          | 12 000 000 | 8 000 000  |  12 000   | 8 000 000  |
| competitive multi-price   |            |            |    000    |            |
| auction (LVL)             |            |            |           |            |
| Total value bid at        |  700 000   | 3 169 000  |  300 000  | 6 188 000  |
| competitive multi-price   |            |            |           |            |
| auction (LVL)             |            |            |           |            |
| Total value placed via    |  400 000   | 1 500 000  |     0     | 4 188 000  |
| competitive multi-price   |            |            |           |            |
| auction (LVL)             |            |            |           |            |
| Number of participants at |     1      |     3      |     1     |     4      |
| competitive multi-price   |            |            |           |            |
| auction                   |            |            |           |            |
| Top admissible yield as   |    6.35    |    6.60    |   6.00    |    6.60    |
| specified by State        |            |            |           |            |
| Treasury (%)              |            |            |           |            |
| Average volume-weighted   |  6.275 %   |  6.125 %   |     -     |  6.301 %   |
| and top bid yield in      | and 6.350  | and 6.200  |           | and 6.500  |
| executed bids (%)         |     %      |     %      |           |     %      |

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