Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Copenhagen Airports A/S held on 27 March 2008

                                                                   28 March 2008

The Annual General Meeting of Copenhagen Airports A/S was held on 27 March 2008 
with the following agenda:                                                      

1.       To receive the Supervisory Board's report on the activities of the
         Company during the past year. 

2.       Presentation of the audited Annual Report for adoption. 

3.       To pass a resolution for ratification of the acts of the Supervisory
         Board and the Executive Board. 

4.       To pass a resolution for the appropriation of the profit according to
         the adopted Annual Report. 

5.       To appoint members of the Supervisory Board, including the Chairman
         and Deputy Chairman. 

6.       To appoint an auditor. 

7.       To consider any proposals from the Supervisory Board or the 
         - To define the general guidelines for incentive pay for the members
         of the Executive Board and adopt a new provision to be inserted in
         Article 13.3 of the Articles of Association.   
         “Guidelines have been adopted for incentive pay for the members of the 
         Executive Management. See section 69 b (2) of the Danish Public
         Companies Act. The guidelines are available on the corporate website.”

         Although the adoption of item 7 on the agenda will result in an
         amendment of the Articles of Association, it does not require separate 
         adoption, cf. section 69b of the Danish Public Companies Act.

8.       Any other business.

Re agenda item 1: The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting adopted the

Re agenda item 2: The Company's printed Annual Report for 2007 was available.The
                  financial statements were reviewed in outline. The
                  shareholders at the Annual General Meeting adopted the Annual

Re agenda item 3: The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting passed a
                  resolution for ratification of the acts of the Supervisory
                  Board and the Executive Board. 

Re agenda item 4: A total of DKK 1.112.5 t DKK was available for distribution. 
                  The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting adopted the 
                  Supervisory Board's proposal that the payout ratio for 2007
                  be 100%. Interim dividend adopted on 6 August 2007
                  (equivalent to DKK 25.5 per share). Total amount available
                  for distribution amounts to 912.5 equivalents to DKK 116.4
                  per share.                  

Re agenda item 5: The following members of the Supervisory Board were

                     Mr. Henrik Gürtler
                     Mr. Max Moore-Wilton
                     Ms. Kerrie Mather
                     Mr. John Stent
                     Mr. Andrew Cowley

                  The following new members of the Supervisory Board were
                     Associate Director Luke Kameron

                  As Chairman was elected:	    Mr. Henrik Gürtler
                  As Deputy Chairman was elected: Mr. Max Moore-Wilton 

Re agenda item 6: The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting re-elected 
                  PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab
                  as the Company's Auditors.                             
Re agenda item 7: The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting passed
                  the resolution proposed by the Supervisory Board. 

Re agenda item 8: Nothing to report.



minutes of the agm.pdf