Conditional amendments to the terms and conditions of TietoEnator's incentive plan

TietoEnator Corporation Stock Exchange Release 24 April 2008, 10.15
am EET

Cidron Services Oy has according to the offer document dated 28 March
2008 offered to purchase all the shares and the stock options in
TietoEnator Corporation from the shareholders and the holders of
stock options of TietoEnator ("Offer").
The Board of Directors of TietoEnator has in its statement published
on 21 April 2008 stated that the price offered in the Offer does not
reflect the true value of the company and recommends shareholders and
holders of stock options not to accept the Offer.
TietoEnator stock options 2006 A, 2006 B and 2006 C are not,
according to their terms, transferable before the commencement of the
subscription period for the TietoEnator shares based on the stock
options. While TietoEnator's Board does not recommend the Offer, the
Board has concluded that it would be in the interest of the holders
of the 2006 A, 2006 B and 2006 C stock options to be able to transfer
their stock options in the Offer.
In accordance with the above, the Board has on 23 April 2008 resolved
to amend the terms and conditions of stock options 2006 A, 2006 B and
2006 C to the effect that the stock options issued by the company are
freely transferable. The amendments to the terms and conditions of
said stock options are conditional on a tender offer made for all the
shares and stock options of the company being completed. Accordingly,
the stock options 2006 A, 2006 B and 2006 C cannot be transferred
prematurely in any other event than where a tender offer made for all
the shares and stock options of the company is completed.
For further information:
Hannu Syrjälä, President and CEO, tel. +358 9 862 63020
Jouko Lonka, Legal Counsel, tel. +358 9 862 62179
Helsinki Stock Exchange
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