notice to convene annual general meeting

Published to OMX The Nordic Exchange via Company News Service on 30 April 2008

Annual General Meeting

Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

at Landic Property A/S, Kongevejen 195B, DK-2840 Holte


1.	Election of Chairman of the General Meeting.
2.	The Supervisory Board's review of the Company's operations in the past year.
3.	Presentation of the annual report for adoption.
4.	Resolution to spend profit or cover losses according to the adopted annual
5.	Election of Supervisory Board members.
6.	Appointment of auditor.
7.	Any other business.

Access to the General Meeting according to the articles of associations

Any shareholder is permitted to attend the General Meeting

The right to vote can be exercised according to a power of attorney. The proxy
must present written and dated power of attorney, which cannot be given for a
period longer than one year. 

On the General Meeting each share of DKK 1 gives one vote.

Right to vote on General Meetings has any shareholder, who no later than 14
days before the General Meeting has been booked in the register of

Regarding shares, which have been acquired by transfer, the right to vote can
note be exercised on General Meeting that has been noticed before the shares
have been booked on name in the register of shareholders, or before the
shareholder has announced and documented the transfer. 

All decisions on the General Meeting are agreed by simple majority, unless the
“Aktieselskabsloven” or the articles of associations dictates special rules
about representation and majority. 

The board of directors

Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary Klaus T.
W. Lund on telephone +45 3378 4000. 


fbm_23_uk notice.pdf