Derivatives: THE OBX INDEX CONSTITUENTS 2H 2008 (10/08)

The OBX composition from and including June 20th 2008 to and including December 18th
2008 has now been determined, please see below. Leaving the OBX: AKY (Aker Yards ASA), NSG (Norske Skogind. ASA) and TOM (Tomra Systems ASA). Entering the OBX: AKER (Aker ASA), SEVAN (Sevan Marine ASA) and Schibsted (Schibsted ASA). The OBX composition is based on the 25 most liquid stocks traded on Oslo Børs in the previous 6-month period, December 1st 2008 – May 31st 2008.

Please see the attached file for further information. 

