IR Newsletter no. 2 - Insurance fraud

The media in the Nordic region have paid more focus to insurance fraud in 2009.
Some investors have expressed their concern for this development, however,
without knowing to what extent the development actual affects TrygVesta's
results. The purpose of this newsletter is to shed light on this area. 

Insurance fraud
TrygVesta meets our customers with trust, meaning that we assume that the claim
is sincere and correct. At the same time, it is important to us that honest
customers do not get penalised via high premiums on the expense of dishonest
customers. Hence, we are very thorough in our claims handling, and if we find
suspicious circumstances, we apply the necessary resources for further

TrygVesta employs 24 people who investigate assumed frauds. Besides
investigating specific cases, this group of employees also works with
preventive work such as educating claims workers. The investigation directly
contributes a yearly reduction of claims expenses of DKK 160-180m. 

Approximately 2,500 claims or 0.5% of the 600,000 claims yearly handled in
TrygVesta are investigated in detail. It is TrygVesta's experience that an
estimate of 1-3% of the total claims involve fraud. 

Insurance fraud can take place in all areas, however, mainly within:
- Car theft
- Car fires
- Private/commercial property (theft/burglary)

Insurance fraud also occurs within the personal claims area. Typically, these
claims are more expensive and more complex to investigate. 

Often the media put insurance fraud into great focus, and the headlines create
considerable attention. How-ever, is it an actual issue in the financial
crisis, and how does it affect TrygVesta's results? 

Read the entire Newsletter on


2009.10.14 trygvesta ir newletter no. 2 - fraud.pdf