Correction to announcement no. 14/2009 - EAC Interim Report Q3 2009

Unfortunately, two typos have occurred in EAC's interim report for Q3
2009, which was published earlier today.

The first appears in the outlook section on page 13, where it is
stated that a change in the DKK/USD average exchange rate during the
remainder of 2009 of DKK 10.00 will result in a change in revenue of
around DKK 2.5m and a change in operating profit (EBIT) of around DKK
30m. Unfortunately, the numbers appear in reverse order. The correct
wording is that a change in the DKK/USD average exchange rate during
the remainder of 2009 of DKK 10.00 will result in a change in revenue
of around DKK 30m and a change in operating profit (EBIT) of around
DKK 2.5m.

The other typo appears only in the Danish version of the highlights
section. Here it is stated that the expectations for EBIT for the
full year are maintained at DKK 450m. The correct figure is DKK 600m.
The figures appear correctly inside the report.

EAC apologises for any inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,

The East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S
(A/S Det Østasiatiske Kompagni)

For additional information, please contact:

President & CEO Niels Henrik Jensen
 +45 3525 4300

Group CFO Michael Østerlund Madsen
 +45 3525 4300


EAC Interim Report Q3 2009.pdf