World Premiere of Sol Caribe: A Dominican Republic Musical Extravaganza From Maireni Films

Country's Most Important Musical Platforms Honored: Meringue, Bachata, Son and Merengue Tipico

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, March 5, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maireni Films announces the world premiere on Friday, March 5, 2010, in Santo Domingo of the much-anticipated film "Sol Caribe." The documentary/musical extravaganza captures a national concert tour that celebrates the nation's four rhythms — Merengue, Bachata, Son and Merengue Tipico — music that influences and crosses all borders.

It will be broadcast live from Santo Domingo on SuperCanal Caribe transmitted throughout the U.S. via Comcast and Time Warner at 3:30 PM (PST).

International film director and president of Maireni Films, Felix Limardo created the tour and filmed it capturing testimonials and memorable behind-the-scenes moments that expose the heart and soul of this Caribbean island country.

"Sol Caribe," said Limardo, "is not only a visual and musical journey, but also it includes historical aspects to the Dominican music."

"There are many special scenes with the performers like the legend, Joseito Mateo, considered the father of Merengue, who says he will perform 'till he drops.'" The 90 year-old composer, singer and arranger, provides many memorable film gems.

The tour was a gift to the people of the Dominican Republic. "The film," said Limardo, "shows the very essence of the Dominican pride, the beauty of its island and people, is a gift to the world."

Performing are the 12 Dominican music icons featuring Milly Quezada, a Latin Grammy award-winning performer and considered the queen of Merengue, Johnny Ventura, Cuco Valoy, Joseito Mateo, Wilfrido Vargas, Fefita La Grande, Fernando Echavarria, Bartolo Alvarado (El Cieguito de Nagua), Francisco Ulloa, Luis Segura, Jose Manuel Calderon and Francis Santana, under the music direction of Jorge Traveras, "el maestro," considered one of the greatest composers of Latin Music. 

The most incandescent moment in Felix Limardo's exhilarating documentary portrait of Sol Caribe is a performance of the song "La Puerta Del Nuevo Mundo!" (Doorway to the New World), written by Huchy Lora and composed by maestro Jorge Traveras. "La Puerta" is sung by the performers who invented these unique genres of music. The 12 singers collaborating is historic. Never before has one song incorporated all four rhythms. Each performer sings a segment representing their respective genre, and it all comes together seamlessly, giving Limardo an instant musical hit. Together they sing the chorus — deeply heartfelt by all who listen.

"Somos los colores de tu corazon, el primer abrazo abajo nuestro sol," said Limardo, "means we are the color of your heart, the first embrace under the sun, which is what the Dominican Republic is: the gateway to the western world. And, with all that has been going on in our universe and neighbor Haiti, 'Sol Caribe' embraces its audience with its music."

The soundtrack is as important as the film as it symbolizes the Dominican Republic's culture, beauty, and idosyncrasy. And, the music is performed by  twelve artists who between them have sold more than 50 million records throughout the world. 

Sol Caribe is a testament to the magic of the Dominican Republic music. It rhapsodizes about the beauty of this island nation and its people. And, it is one glorious musical film.

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