Maconomy A/S - changes in share capital and votes

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Announcement no. 16/2010

Maconomy A/S - changes in share capital and votes

Copenhagen, 17 June 2010. The Board of Directors of Maconomy A/S has decided to
use part of the au-thorisation in the company's Articles of Association article
18 to increase the company's share capital by 305,000 shares of DKK 2 each,
nom. DKK 610,000. The capital increase follows a request from current and
former Maconomy employees to exercise warrants granted in 2002-2004. The
exercise price of the warrants is DKK 5.25, DKK 6.70 and DKK 19.10 per share,
respectively, for a total increase of shareholders' equity of DKK 2,340,875.
Maconomy will apply to have the shares listed on the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as
soon as the shares have been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies

Hugo Dorph

Further information:
Jan Muurmand
Finance Director
Tel: +45 35 27 24 55

This announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. The Danish version
is to be considered the original version for official purposes and in case of
any discrepancies between the two versions the Danish version shall prevail.