Clas Ohlson: Interim Report 1 May 2011 – 31 October 2011

Clas Ohlson: Interim Report 1 May 2011 – 31 October 2011


Second quarter

* Sales amounted to SEK 1,553 M (1,435), up 8%.

In local currencies, growth was 8%

* Operating profit amounted to SEK 124 M (119), up 4%

* Profit after tax amounted to SEK 88 M (86), up 3%

* Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.38 (1.35), up 2%

6 months

* Sales amounted to SEK 2,940 M (2,758), up 7%.

In local currencies growth was 8%.

* Operating profit amounted to SEK 243 M (234), up 4%

* Profit after tax amounted to SEK 173 M (170), up 2%

* Earnings per share amounted to SEK 2.71 (2.66), up 2%

* Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 512 M (148)

Events after the end of the reporting period

* Sales in November amounted to SEK 636 M (593), up 7%.

In local currencies, growth was 6%

CEO Klas Balkow comments:

“We are continuing to grow and claim market shares in all markets in an overall
weak retail environment. During the quarter, an increased share of direct
purchasing, without using intermediaries, continued to have a positive effect on
our gross margin. Our profit increased in the quarter compared with the
year-earlier period, including continued investments in the UK market. With our
sales increase in November, we have a positive start of this year’s Christmas
Sales period.

Our long-term efforts to strengthen Clas Ohlson for a European market continue.
We have a strong base with more than 150 stores and have now achieved annual
sales exceeding SEK 6 billion. We have a stable financial position and have
never been stronger in our home markets, which gives us the scope and stamina to
continue developing Clas Ohlson in a challenging market.”

Analyst and media conference

An analyst and media conference will be held today, Thursday 8 December. For
participation, please visit

For more information, please contact:

Klas Balkow, CEO and President, Clas Ohlson AB: +46 (0)247-447 55

John Womack, Director of Information and IR, Clas Ohlson AB: +46 (0)70 678 24 99

