Carlsberg A/S – Annual General Meeting - Summary

The Annual General Meeting of Carlsberg A/S took place on Thursday 21 March 2013 in accordance with the agenda announced on 27 February 2013.


The Annual Report 2012 was approved as well as the Supervisory Board's proposal regarding the distribution of the profit for the year, including a dividend of DKK 6.00 per share. Discharge of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board in respect of the duties performed during the year was granted.


As proposed by the Supervisory Board, Flemming Besenbacher, Jess Søderberg, Per Øhrgaard, Lars Stemmerik, Cornelius (Kees) van der Graaf, Richard Burrows, Donna Cordner, Elisabeth Fleuriot and Søren-Peter Fuchs Olesen were re-elected as members of the Supervisory Board. Also as proposed by the Supervisory Board, Nina Smith was elected as a new member of the Supervisory Board.


As proposed by the Supervisory Board, the auditing firm KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was elected as auditor. The General Meeting also approved the remuneration of the Supervisory Board for 2013. Finally, after a vote, the General Meeting approved (99.39% in favour) the proposal from the Supervisory Board for an amended Remuneration Policy for the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board, including general guidelines for incentive programmes for the Executive Board.


At a subsequent Board Meeting, the Supervisory Board elected Flemming Besenbacher as chairman and Jess Søderberg as deputy chairman.



Investor Relations:     Peter Kondrup       +45 3327 1221   Iben Steiness   +45 3327 1232
Media Relations:       Jens Bekke           +45 3327 1412   Ben Morton     +45 3327 1417


