Resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Kauno Energija

The General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Kauno Energija has been held on 26 April 2018. 7 shareholders owning a 42,095,025 ordinary registered shares of the Company that amounts to 98.35 % of the votes, took part in it. The following resolutions were taken at the General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. Approval of Consolidated and Company‘s financial statements of the year 2017, prepared according to the International financial reporting standards accredited to use in European Union, presented along with consolidated Annual Report and Conclusion of independent auditor.

The resolution – to approve the Audited AB Kauno Energija Consolidated and Company‘s Financial Statements of the year 2017, prepared according to the International financial reporting standards accredited to use in European Union (enclosed).

2. Allocation of AB Kauno Energija profit (loss) of the year 2017.

The resolution – to allocate AB Kauno Energija profit (loss) of the year 2017 according to the profit (loss) allocation project provided to the main Shareholder of AB Kauno Energija - Kaunas city municipality.

No.ItemsSum, Eur 
1.Profit (loss) of the previous financial year brought forward at the end of the reporting year5,135,163 
2.Net profit (loss) of the reporting financial year6,046,268 
3.Profit (loss) not recognised in the comprehensive income statement0 
4.Transfers from reserves100,000 
4.1.Transfers from other reserves100,000 
5.Shareholders' contributions for covering the losses0 
6.Total profit (loss) to be allocated11,281,431 
7.Profit to be allocated to legal reserve3,168,963 
8.Profit to be allocated to reserves for investment into own shares0 
9.Profit to be allocated to other reserves:100,000 
9.1.for sponsorship100,000 
10.Profit to be allocated for dividends (0.078 Eur/share)3,338,567 
11.Profit to be allocated for annual disbursements (tantiemes) for the members of the Supervisory Board, Management Board, bonuses for employees and other purposes500,000 
11.1.Profit to be allocated for bonuses for employees500,000 
12.Profit (loss) at the end of the reporting financial year brought forward to the next financial year4,173,901 

Loreta Miliauskienė, Head of the Economics Department, tel. +370 37 305 855



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