New Market - Nordic Fixed Income Markets (10/18)

Nasdaq launches the Helsinki Sustainable Bond Market - a new market segment for green, social and sustainable bonds.

The new market segment will be active in Genium INET production from May 28, 2018.

HEL Sustainable Bonds

HEL Sustainable Bonds is created with the same application and functionality as the existing market HEL Corporate Bonds. The market will only list green, social and sustainable bonds that meet the Nasdaq Green, Social and Sustainable Bond Criteria.

The segment is available for external testing in two test environments with the following identifiers:

   Market Identification in GCF TST 2  
Description MIC Source ID Market GCF ID Source
HEL Sustainable Bonds XHEL 193 HELST 846 Genium INET EXT1


   Market Identification in GCF TST 4  
Description MIC Source ID Market GCF ID Source
HEL Sustainable Bonds XHEL 193 HELST 846 Genium INET EXT3


The segment will be available in the production environment from May 28, 2018 with the following identifiers:

   Market Identification in production  
Description MIC Source ID Market GCF ID Source
HEL Sustainable Bonds XHEL 193 HELST 846 Genium INET Production

There will be no instruments listed on the market on May 28, 2018.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact

Axel Holm telephone +46 8 405 60 00.

NASDAQ Fixed Income