CORRECTION: Listing of shares of AUGA group, AB on Baltic Main List

Orderbook ID corrected

Vilnius, Lithuania

Nasdaq Vilnius decided on August 24, 2018 to list shares of AUGA group, AB on the Baltic Main List on August 27, 2018 at the request of the Company and after the Company’s report about fulfillment of conditions set by the Board of Nasdaq Vilnius was filed with the Board.


Additional information:     

 Issuer's full name AUGA group, AB
Orderbook short name AUG1L
ISIN code LT0000127466
Nominal value of one security 0.29 EUR
Number of listed securities 227 416 252    
Orderbook ID 54100  
ICB classification 3500 Food & Beverage
List Baltic Main List


Nasdaq Baltic
Issuer Services
+370 5 253 1459

Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative First North markets operated by Nasdaq companies in the Baltic States, i.e. Nasdaq Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius.