Source: Curo Global

NPSG Global Improves Project Efficiency by 30 Percent with Curo Facilities Management Technology

Curo application has helped NPSG Global eliminate ‘rework’

ATLANTA, Oct. 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Curo, a leading facilities management application provider, announced today that e-fulfillment warehouse implementation company NPSG Global has achieved a 30 percent increase in project task efficiency since rolling out Curo to its workers.

Headquartered in Atlanta, NPSG Global delivers critical e-fulfillment warehouse implementation services, from design consultation, to technical integration, to buildout and retrofits – providing facility operators maximum site efficiencies. NPSG takes a warehouse facility from an empty shell to world-class operating e-fulfillment center in as little as 3 months.

“Our deployment timelines are complex, rapid and time-critical, so Curo immediately saved us time and money by enabling the team to communicate, track and confirm work all in one platform,” said Matt Baker, Director of Operations, NPSG Global.

Using the Curo app on mobile devices and laptops, NPSG uploads the exact floorplan of the facility for the install, enabling managers to use Curo’s GPS-location technology to ‘drop a pin’ on the spot in the facility where a specific task is required— as well as specify the steps to completion and assign the worker that should be doing it.

“Our entire workforce is connected on the Curo platform, which enables our leaders to be virtually on-site 24/7, know where every project stands, and assure the right people get the right information to do every single task completely and on-time,” said Baker. “Our managers now have visibility into the progress of each task, which informs the visibility for the entire project.”

The task is digitally assigned to the person with the skills to do the task, and when they start the job, the worker has access to the step-by-step instruction to complete it, all from the Curo app. If assignees need more support, a how-to video is available, and if they have a question, they can simply ask it in-app to the appropriate expert---all the while, managers can track the progress of work as it happens.

“We’ve become hyper-efficient, plain and simple,” said Baker. “In addition to an overall 30 percent improvement in task efficiency, we’ve seen a 15 percent improvement in the completion of ‘complex’ tasks. because all specs and steps are loaded into Curo and ready for the worker before he starts the job.”

“You think about all the time that was wasted on having to come back to confirm work and/or do a job a second time, those kind of issues—rework—just don’t happen anymore,” concluded Baker. “We’re thriving as a company in part because Curo has enabled us to streamline the way that we go about working as a team.”

For more detail on Curo’s work with NPSG, please see the full case study.

Curo provides workers with clear expectations, communication and training all within one intuitive application—whether they’re in the office, the four walls of a facility, or out in the field—while enabling managers to track performance of projects as they happen and visually confirm when they are completed.

For more information about Curo, visit www.curoglobal.com.

Contact Info:

Will Haraway
Backbeat Marketing