AB INVL Baltic Farmland unaudited results and factsheet for 9 months of 2018

For 9 months of 2018, the unaudited consolidated net profit of the AB INVL Baltic Farmland group was EUR 229 thousand and the revenue was EUR 422 thousand (for 9 months of 2017 consolidated net profit was EUR 245 thousand, revenue was EUR 403 thousand).

Additional information:

INVL Baltic Farmland, a company that invests in agricultural land, in the first nine months of this year had revenue of EUR 422 thousand and a net profit of EUR 229 thousand. Compared to the same period last year, the group’s revenue grew 4.7%, while its net profit decreased 6.5%.

INVL Baltic Farmland’s equity at the end of the third quarter was EUR 11.75 million. Equity per share was EUR 3.64 and was up 7.7% from a year earlier (also taking into account dividends that were paid).

“Seeking to effectively manage the assets held, we continue focusing on long-term rent agreements and financial results,” said Justė Gumovskienė, the director of INVL Farmland Management, which is the administrator of INVL Baltic Farmland’s land. She assumed the position in September. In assessing the results for three quarters of this year, she said they were also influenced by provisions for receivables, which were due to a poorer harvest this year.

Revenue in January-September was 69% of INVL Baltic Farmland’s forecast for this year as a whole (EUR 609 thousand), while the consolidated net profit was 64% of the full-year plan (EUR 360 thousand). The operating forecasts were made assuming that during 2018 there would be no change in the value of the company’s agricultural land holdings and no land purchase or sale transactions would take place.

INVL Baltic Farmland is listed on the Nasdaq Vilnius exchange. Its subsidiaries own 3 thousand hectares of agricultural land in Lithuania which is rented out to agriculture companies and farmers.

The person authorized to provide additional information:
         Egle Surpliene
         E-mail: egle.surpliene@invaldalt.com



Factsheet_INVL Baltic Farmland_2018 3Q