Heijmans annual results 2018: positive result across the board


  • All business areas contribute to positive result;
  • Revenues up 13% at € 1,579 million;
  • Underlying EBITDA up 43% at € 43 million;
  • Net profit 2018 € 20 million (2017: € 9 million negative excl. discontinued operations *);
  • At around € 2.0 billion, order book remains at good level;
  • Solvency 25% (27% before the application of IFRS 15);
  • Number of homes sold is 2,237.

Ton Hillen, CEO Heijmans:
“For the first time in a number of years, all segments made a positive contribution to our operating result. The strong demand for homes translated into a significant improvement in profit for our property development and residential building operations. Continuing to meet the great demand for homes in the future will require direction at a national level and will have to include the allocation of new development locations both in and outside cities. In our non-residential activities, we are starting to see the results of our revised strategy. The selective acquisition policy, combined with the recovering market, is driving growth with a moderate risk profile. At Infra, the majority of our operations performed in line with expectations. However, the predictability of projects and a selective acquisition policy remain exceedingly important and we are continuing to focus fully on those objectives in 2019. A healthy infra sector with successful projects requires a more balanced distribution of the risks between principal and contractor, something we are discussing on a number of areas.” 

* Result discontinued operations 2017: € 29 million, this is including the one off book profit sale foreign operations of € 31 million.

About Heijmans
Heijmans is a listed company that combines activities related to property development, residential building, non-residential building, roads and civil engineering in the areas living, working and connecting. Our constant focus on quality improvements, innovation and integrated solutions enables us to generate added value for our clients. Heijmans realises projects for private consumers, companies and public sector bodies and together we are building the spatial contours of tomorrow. You will find additional information on www.heijmans.nl.


For more information / not for publication:

Marieke Swinkels-Verstappen
+31 (0)73 543 52 17

Guido Peters
Investor Relations
+ 31 (0)73 543 52 17

The Heijmans Executive Board will explain the results published for 2018 on 21 February 2019, during a press conference and analyst meeting. The agenda and the registration form for the Annual General Meeting Shareholders to be held on 10 April of this year will be available on the Heijmans website from 27 February.
Heijmans will publish its 2018 annual report (in Dutch) and financial statements (in Dutch and English) no later than 22 February 2019.

This press release has also been published in Dutch. In the event of any discrepancies between the original Dutch press release and this English translation, the Dutch version will prevail.



Full press release