Eimskip: Transaction in relation to a share buy-back program

In week 1 2020 Eimskip purchased 138,370 of its own shares, at a purchase price of ISK 26,082,745 as further stipulated below:

Date Time No. of shares Share price (rate) Purchase price (ISK)
30.12.2019 14:35:14  69,185  188  13,006,780 
3.1.2020 11:37:40  69,185  189  13,075,965 
Total    138,370    26,082,745 

The trade is in accordance with Eimskip‘s buy-back program as published on Nasdaq Iceland on 1 December 2019.

Eimskip held 4,121,584 own shares prior to the notified transactions, or the equivalent of 2.20% of issued shares in the company, and holds 4,259,954 after them, or the equivalent of 2.28% of issued shares in the company.

In week 1 Eimskip purchased a total of 138,370 company‘s own shares. The total purchase price amounted to ISK 26,082,745 which corresponds to 5.22% of the maximum market value amount according to the buy-back program. Eimskip has bought a total of 1,221,875 shares in the company amounting to ISK 226,995,785 market value in the buy-back program.

Buy-back under the program will amount to a maximum of 3,125,000 shares and the market value amount will not exceed ISK 500,000,000. The buy-back program is in effect until 24 January 2020, unless the conditions for maximum purchase are met before that time.

The buyback program was executed in accordance with Chapter VIII. of Act No. 2/1995 on Public Limited Companies and Chapter II of the Annex to Regulation No. 630/2005 on Inside Information and Market Abuse, “Trade in own shares under buy-back programmes and the stabilisation of financial instruments.”

For further information please contact Edda Rut Björnsdóttir, head of Marketing & Communication via phone (+354) 825-3399 or investors@eimskip.is