Career Development: Resurrecting a Broken Process

Brandon Hall Group’s new study reveals career development has nowhere to go but up in most organizations.

Boca Raton, July 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- One-quarter or less of employers give high ratings to any element of career development, according to Brandon Hall Group’s latest research.

Employers who fail to do a better job developing internal talent to address business needs will struggle to stay competitive and meet their goals. The complicating factor now is that required skills and competencies may change — perhaps significantly — in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The failure of career development affects an organization’s ability to compete and grow,” said Brandon Hall Group CEO Mike Cooke. “Right now, less than half of organizations say they can meet their short-term talent needs with their current employees, which increases recruiting costs and hurts employee engagement and talent retention. In our hyper-connected business environment, it is a prescription for disaster.”

Career development requires integration and alignment with all talent processes, from learning to performance management to succession planning. Yet only 13% of organizations fully support career development with technologies that enable the necessary collaboration and planning.

“Employers who fail to do a better job developing internal talent to meet business needs will be in peril,” said Claude Werder, Brandon Hall Group’s SVP of Research, “Career development is an important driver of the internal talent mobility needed to keep employees from fleeing to better opportunities.”

In addition to providing a picture of the current state, based on quantitative and qualitative data from the 2020 Brandon Hall Group Career Development Study, several high-level strategies to improve career development are also revealed in the summary.

To view the 2020 Career Development Study summary, click here.

-About Brandon Hall Group-

Brandon Hall Group is the world’s only professional-development company that provides data, research, insights and certification to Learning and Talent professionals and organizations. The best companies in the world rely on Brandon Hall Group to help create future-proof employee-development plans for the new era of work and management.

For more than 27 years, BHG empowers, recognizes and certifies excellence in organizations throughout the world, driving the development of more than 10,000,000 employees and executives. Our annual HCM Excellence Awards program was the first to recognize and celebrate organizations for learning and talent, and as the industry’s gold standard is known as the “Academy Awards of Human Capital Management.”

Brandon Hall Group’s cloud-based platform delivers evidence-based insights in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Talent Acquisition and HR/Workforce Management for corporate organizations and HCM solution providers.



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