Availability of the English version of the 2020 Half-Year Financial Report

Publication of documents – Wednesday 5 August 2020 – 5:45 p.m.

Availability of the English version of the
2020 Half-Year Financial Report

Argan announces the publication today of the English translation of its 2020 Half-Year Financial Report (Rapport Financier Semestriel 2020).

The French and English versions of the 2020 Half-Year Financial Report are available on the website of the Company (www.argan.fr), section « Espace Investisseurs / Infos réglementées / Documentation Financière ».

Copies of the 2020 Half-Year Financial Report are also available free of charge from the registered office of Argan at 21, rue Beffroy - 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

About Argan

ARGAN is the only French real estate company specialising in the DEVELOPMENT & RENTAL OF PREMIUM WAREHOUSES listed on EURONEXT.
As at 30 June 2020, ARGAN’s portfolio amounted to 2.9 million sq. meters, comprising 85 warehouses located exclusively in France, valued at €2.7 billion and generating annual rental income of €140 million.
ARGAN is listed on Compartment A of Euronext Paris (ISIN FR0010481960 - ARG) and is included in the CAC All-Share and IEIF SIIC France indices.
The company opted for the listed real estate investment companies (SIICs) tax regime on 1st July  2007.

Francis Albertinelli – Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
Marie-Caroline Schwartz – General Counsel
Tel: 01 47 47 05 46
E-mail: contact@argan.fr


Aude Vayre – Media relations
Tel: 01 53 32 84 79 / 07 62 72 71 15
Philippe Ronceau – Investor relations
E-mail: argan@citigatedewerogerson.com

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20200805 - Publication English version 2020 HY Financial Report