Seneca teams up with Microsoft and RBC to drive digital literacy for the workforce of tomorrow

Up to 6,000 students, graduates and professionals will train through free workshops in cloud computing and AI

Toronto, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Seneca, in collaboration with Microsoft Canada and RBC, is helping students, graduates and professionals enhance their digitial expertise by offering free Microsof Azure Fundamentals workshops that build in-demand skills in cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and productivity tools.

Starting this month, and running until the end of June, 30 two-day, eight-hour short courses will enable participants to learn data analytics, AI and cloud computing certifications-critical skills for the post-pandemic economic recovery.

The collaboration creates opportunities for Canadians with varying professional and academic experiences to acquire digital skills to succeed in the innovation economy.

"Seneca is delighted to partner with industry leaders Microsoft and RBC to provide the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals to a diverse set of learners at various stages of their careers," said Seneca President, David Agnew. "Cloud computing and AI technology have been the norm across sectors. The skills participants will obtain are now fundamental to doing business."

Prior to the pandemic, the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) estimated Canada's demand for digitally skilled talent would be expected to reach 305,000 people by 2023. As digitial transformation accelerates, those who have lost jobs will need to acquire new digital skills with businesses reskilling their workforce and onboarding more technically savvy employees.

"Whether it's retraining or starting fresh, it's clear that the skills needed to excel in today's workplace are changing. We have a responsibility to help young people prepare for that change," said Mark Beckles, Senior Director, Youth Strategy & Innovation, RBC. "That's what RBC Future Launch, our $500 million commitment to empowering Canadian youth for the jobs of tomorrow, is all about. Through our support of this collaboration, we know more young people will be enabled to identify, articulate, and build the skills they need to succeed."

By offering the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals workshop for free, Seneca, Microsoft and RBC are ensuring these foundational skills are made available without barrier, helping to develop a Canadian workforce with a strong understanding of cloud computing that is used in most business environments. Interested participants can now register on Seneca's website.

"The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation across virtually every industry resulting in greater demand for skills in cloud, data and AI," said Kevin Peesker, President, Microsoft Canada. "To meet the needs of Canada's growing digital economy and give Canadians the skills they need to take advantage of job market opportunties, industry and academia must work together to bridge the gap and help unlock innovation."

About Seneca

Combining career and professional skills training with theoretical knowledge, Seneca provides a polytechnic education to 30,000 full-time and 60,000 part-time students. With campuses in Toronto, York Region and Peterborough and education partners around the world, Seneca offers degrees, graduate certificates, diplomas and certificates in more than 300 full-time, part-time and online programs, now most of them virtually. Seneca's credentials are renowned for their quality and respected by employers. Co-op and work placements, applied research projects, entrepreneurial opportunities and the latest technology ensure that Seneca graduates are highly skilled and ready to work. Learn more about Seneca.


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