Delta Drone becomes a world leader in the dronification of the private security sector and aims for a turnover of €50 M in 2022

Delta Drone becomes a world leader in the dronification of the private security sector and aims for a turnover of 50 M in 2022

Dardilly, April 21st 2021 - 6 p.m.

Delta Drone and Weesure Groupe have entered into exclusive negotiations to sign a final two-part agreement by July 31st, which will closely involve the two partners.
This operation, under the usual suspensive conditions in such matters, is clearly part of the strategy to dronify a mature and traditional business, strengthen the quality of the associated value chain and accelerate the international development of the Delta Drone Group.

Description of the two components of the agreement:

1 - Delta Drone acquires 100% of Weesure Sécurité and Weesure Services

Weesure Sécurité specializes in traditional private security with a clientele of major accounts, including Veolia, Siemens, Dalkia, etc. Its operational center is located in Sannois (95), near Paris, and the company has a workforce of about 700 people. Revenues in 2021 are expected to exceed 20 million euros, the vast majority of which consist of multi-year contracts of 3 to 4 years, most of them currently at the beginning of the period. The company therefore has a strong visibility on its turnover in the medium term.

Weesure Services, based in Lyon, specializes in complementary hospitality services for private security activities, on sites, as well as in the management of cultural and sports events open to a wide audience.

Following the transactions introduced above, Weesure Groupe will continue to own 100% of two entities, Euro Protec and Weesure Afrique.

2 - Delta Drone acquires a 25% stake in the two operating Weesure Groupe companies.

For over 30 years, Euro Protec has been specialized in the installation and implementation of security solutions (cameras, alarms, access controls, etc.). The company has a network of subcontractor installers in France and abroad. It achieves a turnover of almost 1 million euros.

The Weesure Group's operating companies in Africa (Togo, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal) generate a turnover of around 1.5 million euros and constitute a very strong territorial base for development in the area.

A strategic and global stake:

1 - Weesure Security

The ISS Spotter-DA solution (automatic security drone) developed by Delta Drone becomes a "cyber-agent" alongside security guards to form mixed teams, unparalleled on the market. These mixed teams will be the core of Delta Drone's security hub offering.

Weesure Sécurité will be close to ATM Group Security on the operational level, in order to form a division generating a turnover of more than 35 million euros in the private security sector, making it one of the leading players in the sector in France.

On the commercial front, the security teams in the field will be offered systematically a mixed training, consisting of both a cyber agent (the ISS Spotter solution) and human security guards, the latter having been trained with the cyber agent, in accordance with the regulations.

Commenting on the key point of training security guards, Bruno Bobillon, President of ATM Group said: "The pooling of Technidrone and AMF training centres within the Delta Drone Group enabled us to create a unique branch at the beginning of the year, combining regulatory training in the security officer and drone pilot training or solution operator. The richness of this course creates a new attraction for many people interested in enriching their career path and is enjoying unprecedented success. Since the official announcement of this offer, we have never had so many registrants in our sessions.»

In addition to its state-of-the-art technological qualities, the cyber agent has the advantage of 24/7 availability, while representing an hourly cost almost 60% less than the corresponding cost of a human agent. However, the cyber agent does not replace anyone. Instead, it completes a team by bringing its own qualities. It also acts as a service to the better safety of human agents, through its special role of observing upstream incident levels in order to best assess the means of intervention to be implemented.

2 - Weesure Services

Weesure Services aims to get closer to ATM Group Accueil to form a division generating a turnover close to 1 million euros.

Its development will be exclusively focused on two growth areas:

  • For "permanent" missions, it will continue to offer a complementary offer of private security activities, with enhanced resources and means of implementation.
  • For "event" missions, the new entity will only present an offer based on the combination of traditional human resources and technological means, as it systematically integrates the ISS Spotter-SF (wire system) solution. This will enable unrivalled operational capacity in flow management and temporary security.

3 - Euro Protec

The commissioning of an ISS Spotter-DA solution on a site requires a complex installation process, which includes analysis of the location of the dock, electrical connection of the system, setting up computer equipment, setting up the associated weather station and connecting with the supervisory systems already in place.
By continuing to develop its historic business as a distributor and installer of surveillance and security products, Euro Protec aims to become Delta Drone's leading provider for the installation of ISS Spotter solutions in France and Africa.

Louis Leullieux, President of Weesure Groupe said: "The visit to the ISS Spotter demonstration center in Dardilly gave me a better understanding that the implementation of such a solution required the intervention of seasoned professionals who were well versed in good practice in the installation of security technology equipment. The ISS Spotter solution is a real asset for any security and surveillance means, but is not a plug-and-play system. It requires being fully integrated into existing systems and committed to the support of existing teams. »

4 - Weesure Africa

The African continent has been a priority development area for the Delta Drone Group for several years, already present through subsidiaries in Morocco, South Africa and Ghana.

The four Weesure Africa settlements in Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin and Togo are an opportunity to complete the scheme: after the Maghreb in the north and australe Africa in the south, it is the Gulf of Guinea area that will form a third development base. Thanks to the existing customers in these countries and the network of privileged relationships forged with local economic and political decision-makers, Weesure Africa will aim to accelerate the distribution and implementation of professional solutions in this region, primarily the solutions dedicated to security (ISS Spotter) and to mines (Rocketmine).

Reflecting on Delta Drone's international expansion strategy, Christian Viguié, Chairman and CEO of the Group said: "A few months after the formation of our subsidiary Delta Drone International, a company listed on the Sydney Stock Exchange, we are taking another important step, in full coherence with our international expansion strategy. For several years, Delta Drone has had a solid foundation in Africa, in Morocco, South Africa and Ghana. Thanks to Weesure Africa, we will now have a strong presence in several West African countries, giving a new geographically complementary anchor to our progressive network of the continent.
Local managers of Weesure Group's entities will be quickly trained to learn about the Group's business solutions, including ISS Spotter and Rocketmine, in order to quickly become distribution and operations bases in the safety and mining sectors. »

A few key figures are used to measure the importance of the agreement.

  • Delta Drone's consolidated revenue could be close to 35 million euros in 2021 and reach 50 million euros in 2022,
  • Consolidated EBITDA is expected to be positive in 2021, as is operating income in 2022. It should be highlighted, however, that the exact assessment of this ambition depends on the uncertainties associated with the health crisis,
  • Finally, the Delta Drone Group will now have a strong presence on several continents: in Europe, Africa and Oceania, the latter benefiting from the emergence since the end of 2020 of the subsidiary Delta Drone International (listed on the Sydney stock exchange, DLT:ASX).

Following this new structuring operation, the Group will assume a leading position in the dronification of private security sector, with a unique presence on several continents.

About Delta Drone: Delta Drone Group is a recognized international player in the civil drone industry for professional use. It develops a range of professional solutions based on drone technology as well as all associated services that form a complete value chain.
Delta Drone shares are listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market - ISIN code: FR0011522168
Also listed on Euronext Growth of BSA Y ISIN code: FR 0013400991

Investor Contacts:        Press Contact:

Jerome GacoinLouise Caetano
+33 1 75 77 54 65+33 1 55 02 15 13

Sarah Ousahla
+33 1 55 02 15 31



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