Plan map of the ground-based survey

Plan map of the ground-based survey

Figure 1. Plan map of the ground-based gravity survey completed at the Hecla-Kilmer property in March 2020, overlain on the RTP airborne magnetic map covering the property and shown in Figure 3. The large and high amplitude gravity anomaly in pink is shown in detail in Figure 2. The large gravity low shown in blue is coincident with a syenite intrusion which forms the core to the multi-phase and concentrically zoned carbonatite complex at H-K. Also shown on this map are the four drill holes completed by VR in October, 2020. Drill Holes 2 and 4 located on the eastern margin of the new gravity anomaly contained intersections of high density copper sulfide and rare earth element (REE) mineralization that is shown in the drill core photos in Photo 1; the new gravity anomaly shown here is believed to be the heart of that IOCG-affinity mineralization and hydrothermal brecciation.




VR Resources
