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2025 Product Guide

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Expect More From Your Discovery, Development and Research Models Partner

icon-toxicology General Toxicology General Toxicology Inotiv offers a range of general toxicology studies to evaluate the safety of drugs, medical devices, and other chemicals. We design and conduct studies according to international regulations and our toxicology expertise can help assess potential risks and ensure the safety of your product. icon-histology Histology Histology Our industry-leading histology laboratories support your discovery and nonclinical development projects with a wide range of services. From tissue processing to digital analysis, our team delivers the quality you expect.   icon-histology-pathology Pathology Pathology Access our world-class anatomical, clinical, and medical device pathology team that provides services from histochemistry to digital pathology including IHC, IF, and ISH to stereology, and more.  icon-drug-metabolism-bioanalysis-pk DMPK DMPK From hit-to-lead to lead optimization through candidate selection, our in vitro, in vivo, and bioanalytical teams offer the fit-for-purpose solutions you need at any stage of development to help you analyze, answer, and advance.  icon-consulting Consulting Consulting Our experts deliver the insights you deserve to get the answers you need, whether in DMPK data analysis, biomarker analysis, or bioequivalence studies. research-models Research Models Research Models Paired with the most comprehensive range of research models in the industry, we offer the experience, animal welfare, quality, and consistency that is essential to your success. icon-model-services Research Model Services Research Model Services Our research model services group provides high-quality support services worldwide, including genetically engineered models and services (GEMS), contract breeding services, surgical services, and more. icon-teklad Teklad Diet and Bedding Teklad Diet and Bedding What comes out of your research depends in large part on what goes into your research models. Ensuring models have the most appropriate laboratory animal diet, bedding, and enrichment is critical to maintaining consistent, reliable data.

Explore Our Full Offering of Services and Products


Discovery and Development 

Inotiv delivers a broad array of nonclinical and analytical services from discovery through clinical development.  


Research Models and Services 

Inotiv provides the broadest range of research models and related services to pharmaceutical and biotech companies, government, academia, and other life science organizations.  

The Latest From Inotiv

Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (WRIB)

April 7-11, 2025 New Orleans, LA Booth #41 Each year WRIB program provides you with novel case studies and emerging approaches because it is the only program built on White Paper r...

Genetic Toxicology Workshop

April 10-11, 2025 Gaithersburg, MD In-person Join Inotiv’s experts for a complimentary, educational workshop to gain in-depth knowledge of Genetic Toxicology.

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

April 25-30, 2025 Chicago, IL Booth #2509 The AACR Annual Meeting program covers the latest discoveries across the spectrum of cancer research—from population science and preventio...

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