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New! Principles of Marketing now available in Polish!

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Macroeconomics and Microeconomics are both available in Polish!

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Over half of the students in physics courses in Poland use our University Physics textbook

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Textbooks are in 220 universities

Our books have been used by 523K students

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We create free, modern, high-quality digital textbooks for students

The driving force of our not-for-profit activities is removing economical obstacles to gaining knowledge and promoting access to valuable and verified content on the internet. Our textbooks are licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license, which means users can legally download, copy and modify the copied content for free. The only condition is one references the OpenStax Poland foundation when quoting fragments from our textbooks. We published Polish adaptations of ‘University Physics’ in 2018, ‘Psychology’ in 2020, ‘Principles of Microeconomics’ in 2022 and ‘Principles of Macroeconomics’ in 2023. With the beginning of the 2024/25 academic year, we published ‘Principles of Marketing’.

We are partners with OpenStax, Rice University’s non-profit open education initiative and the biggest publisher of open educational resources in the USA. Our textbooks are based on publications by OpenStax. However, these are not just translations, but Polish-language adaptations of original American content. Our publications have been adapted by experts to meet all requirements of Universities in Poland. We are the first organization in the world to publish OpenStax textbooks for a non-English speaking market.

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Sociology, Economics, Statistics, Management, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy – Choose from over 40 OpenStax academic textbooks in English. You can also read ‘University Physics’, ‘Psychology’, ‘Principles of Microeconomics’, ‘Principles of Macroeconomics’ and ‘Principles of Marketing’ in Polish – all of them have been adapted by teaching and research experts to meet all standards of Polish Universities. Download a PDF or browse online. No fees and no catch.

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