New Head of Capio Elderly Care business area

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, March 26, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Dwight Sjostedt has been appointed new head of the Capio Elderly Care business area and Managing Direcotor of Actica Omsorg AB. Sjostedt has held senior management positions in several large Swedish companies and joined the Group most recently from NCC Building, where he was Financial Officer. Since October 2003, he has participated in the introduction of a new payroll system and a uniform IT platform for Capio Elderly Care. He assumes his new position effective March 31.

After nearly 20 years as head of several medical care companies, Sture Ericsson is now relinquishing his position as president of Actica Omsorg AB to become Chairman of the Capio Elderly Care business area. He will also work with special projects on behalf of the Capio Group Executive Committee.

"I have been privileged to be a pioneer in what we call care contracting and have now taken part in the development of Sweden's and Norway's most respected elderly-care company. It is thus with great satisfaction and considerable expectations for the future that I now relinquish my role as president of Actica," says Sture Ericsson.

Capio will continue to develop elderly care services within the Group. Actica's concept of providing care "on the patient's own terms" has steadily gained strong support in the market and is today synonymous with high-quality individually adapted elderly care. Actica's secure- living concept is a model for the future in the area of facilities combining special residential services with homes for the elderly. The first full-scale facility, with approximately 200 apartments, has now been started in Halmstad, Sweden. During the year, Actica will open two newly built residential care facilities in Lerum, outside Gothenberg, and Skarpnack, close to Stockholm. The company has also secured care contracts that will enable it to establish secure living for the elderly in Malmo, southern Sweden.

In total Capio's operations in the field of elderly care generate revenues of SEK 850 M per year, of which the Swedish market accounts for slightly more than SEK 700 M. This makes Actica Omsorg one of the largest players in the private elderly care services sector in Sweden.

Gothenburg, March 26, 2003 Capio AB (publ)

 For further information, please contact:

 Sture Ericson, Head of Capio Elderly Care business area and President
 Actica Omsorg +46 31 773 75 01, +46 70 604 10 01
 Ulrika Stenson, Vice President, Corporate Communications,
 Capio AB +46 31 732 40 04, +46 70 590 07 23

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