Capio's 2003 Annual General Meeting

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, March 27, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Capio (Other OTC:CPOOF) Annual General Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on a new issue of no more than 4.5 million shares, which would have a maximum dilution effect of 5.5% on the company's share capital and voting rights. Two new Board members were elected. The financial statements were approved and, as in previous years, the Annual General Meeting resolved that no dividend be paid for the 2002 fiscal year.

"For Capio, the past year was characterised by the continued favourable growth and earnings trend of our healthcare activities. These operations show sound stability. The refinancing of our property portfolio in the UK radically improved Capio's financial situation and provides us with good potential to invest and expand. The internationalisation of the company continued during the year through the acquisition of the second largest private hospital group in France. Efforts within the next few years will focus on utilising the positions we currently hold and on creating economies of scale and competence synergies. A major investment is also planned to increase our attractiveness as an employer," said Capio's Chief Executive Officer Per Batelson.

Although Capio is assigning priority to existing markets in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, it is also studying new opportunities in France. Longer-term, Germany, Italy and Spain are considered attractive potential markets. Today, Capio is one of the leading healthcare companies in Europe.

In his address to the shareholders, Per Batelson underlined the importance of investing in the concept of Service Lines, the first of which -- Capio Eye -- was introduced during 2002. The service-line model is based on the selection of one or more diagnoses and the identification of the best possible treatment. The defined specialities are subsequently passed on to other units and used to upgrade the care quality and efficiency of existing units. Additional service lines are being planned.

The meeting

-- resolved that no dividend would be paid for the 2002 fiscal year.

-- re-elected the following Board members: Jan Blomberg, Krister Hertzen, Roger Holtback, Monica Lindstedt, Olle G P Isaksson and Per Batelson. Cecilia Kragsterman, Skandia, and Johan Malmquist, Getinge AB, were elected to the Board as new members. The Board includes the following employee representatives: Christina Gerdin and Lisbeth Berglund (dep.) representing the Swedish Confederation of Health Professionals; Thomas Karte, Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations; Kevin Thompson, Swedish Municipal Workers' Union; and Birgitta Lindhe Svenson (dep.) representing the National Union of Local Government Officers.

-- resolved to authorise the Board to decide on a new issue of no more than 4.5 million shares, which would have a maximum dilution effect of 5.5% on the company's share capital and voting rights.

-- resolved to amend the company's Articles of Association so that Notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders shall be made in the form of an announcement in the Post- och Inrikes tidningar (Swedish Official Gazette) and a national daily newspaper.

-- elected Roger Holtback, Caroline af Ugglas, Ola Uhre and Mats Gustafsson (new) to form the Nominating Committee up to the 2004 Annual General Meeting.

For further information, please contact: Ulrika Stenson, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Capio AB +46 31 732 40 04, +46 705 90 07 23

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