Assets 122 422 340 LVL (174 191 297EUR) Loans 75 564 208 LVL (107 518 181 EUR) Incl. loans to households for acquisition of housing 245 477 LVL (349 282 EUR) Incl. mortgage loans 8 747 941 LVL (12 447 199 EUR) Deposits 82 313 998 LVL (117 122 267 EUR) Capital and reserves (equity) 15 532 216 LVL (22 100 352 EUR) Profit for the period 2 039 089 LVL (2 901 362 EUR) Assets under management 3 452 206 LVL (4 912 047 EUR) Fixed euro exchange rate set by the Bank of Latvia 1 EUR=0,702804 LVL. Jeļena Adamoviča Deputy Head of Marketing Department T.: (+371) 67830543
CORRECTION: Non-audited Financial Results of JSC "Reģionālā investīciju banka" as of September 30, 2008
| Quelle: Regionala investiciju banka
FirmenprofilRegionala investiciju bankaBranche: Banks
Aktionen für die Pressemitteilung