On 6 September 2010 the Board of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB adopted the decision to approve the resolutions of the boards of the subsidiaries of the Company, i.e. UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos (company code 300072351, with the registered office at Motorų str. 2, Vilnius) and UAB TETAS (company code 300513148, with the registered office at Senamiesčio str. 102B, Panevėžys), on the execution of a transaction concerning the exchange of the sets of assets in the companies concerned. According to the exchange transaction contract UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos transfers to UAB TETAS the set assets which is concluded of long-term assets, stock and low-value assets of Alytus and Panevėžys units (the market value of the exchange transaction according to the assessments made by an independent assessor is equal to LTL 2,255,535) and UAB TETAS transfers to UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos the set assets which is concluded of long-term assets, stock and low-value assets of Vilnius and Utena units (the market value of the exchange transaction according to the assessments made by an independent assessor is equal to LTL 1,309,533). The difference in prices of the sets of assets shall be paid in cash. The Board also adopted decisions: - To increase the authorised capital of UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos from LTL 11,657,000 to LTL 16,393,602 by an additional contribution - RST additional monetary contribution of LTL 2,189,111 and AB Lietuvos Energija (legal entity code 220551550, with the registered office at Žvejų str. 14, Vilnius) additional monetary contribution of LTL 250,000 and non-monetary contribution, i.e. assets necessary to UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos, which the assessments made by an independent assessor is equal to LTL 4,486,601'95. It is expected that after the increase of the authorised capital UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos RST shall own 71,11 %, AB Lietuvos Energija shall own about 28,89 % of the shares of UAB Elektros Tinklo Paslaugos. - To increase the authorised capital of UAB Tetas from LTL 1,988,000 to LTL 5,666,095 by an additional contribution - RST additional monetary contribution of LTL 499,999'20 and AB Lietuvos Energija additional monetary contribution of LTL 750,000 and non-monetary contribution, i.e. assets necessary to UAB Tetas, which the assessments made by an independent assessor is equal to LTL 2,570,988 and 430,400 units of ordinary registered shares in UAB Energetikos Pajėgos (legal entity code 136046431, with the registered office at T. Masiulio str. 16D, Kaunas), which make up 100 % (one hundred per cent) of the shares in the company and which the assessments made by an independent assessor is equal to LTL 5,006,443. It is expected that after the increase of the authorised capital UAB Tetas RST shall own 38,76 %, AB Lietuvos Energija shall own about 61,24 % of the shares of UAB Tetas. This notice is deemed non-confidential. (If information notice is deemed confidential, indicate reasons and date of expiration of confidentiality) Department of marketing and communication Kristina Mažeikytė, tel. 8 5 2512528
Regarding Resolutions of Board of Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, AB related to the subsidiaries of the Company
| Quelle: Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai AB