Barbara Price, Ilene Weinreb Retire From Alameda County Medical Center Board of Trustees

Community Leaders Supported Era of Profound Transformation in Public Health Care

OAKLAND, Calif., July 30, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Two Alameda County Medical Center (ACMC – Trustees, Barbara Price and Ilene Weinreb – who helped preside over an era of sweeping and positive change in the county's public health care system – announced their retirement at the end of June. The Trustees served as members of the governing body of the Medical Center for nine years each.

Price, who is vice president of the Board is also chief executive officer of PK Consultants, an Alameda-based government and private sector consulting firm. She is a former City of Antioch Council Member and President of the Bay Division of the League of California Cities. Weinreb is a former Mayor of Hayward and a longtime community activist in Alameda County. Both Trustees were honored for their service to ACMC and the community during the Alameda County Medical Center Board of Trustees meeting on June 26.

As valued and knowledgeable community leaders, Price and Weinreb's contributions to ACMC resulted in measurable improvements in the quality of health care received by Alameda County residents. For instance, as Chair of the Quality Professional Services Committee, Price provided leadership and focus to the Harm Reduction Team initiative resulting in an overall reduction of harm by 48 percent.

Weinreb, who has served previously as President of the Board of Trustees, "was instrumental in restoring trust and a sense of dignity to the Board at a time when those elements were badly needed," according to a resolution of the Alameda County Medical Center Board of Trustees. Weinreb will remain as a member of the Board until a replacement is appointed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors.

Both Trustees received special commendations for their years of service from the Board of Supervisors. During a brief ceremony, the two retiring Trustees were lauded by their peers and community leaders.

"Ilene (Weinreb) has always focused the Board on making investments in human capital," noted Daniel Boggan Jr, current president of the Board of Trustees. "She had two guiding principles: trust and respect for others." Wright L. Lassiter III, chief executive officer of ACMC added that Ms. Weinreb "always asked about what's best for the patients and employees we serve."

Boggan and Lassiter also praised Price for "creating and embedding the 'DNA' in our organization that expects excellence from our employees and each other every day."

The Board of Trustees governs ACMC, a nationally recognized public healthcare system that includes a major regional trauma center and which serves as a teaching facility for future doctors, surgeons and medical specialists. ACMC Trustees are appointed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to review, approve and guide the Medical Center's plans and activities on behalf of the people of Alameda County with an aim to continually improve the overall health of the county's population.

About Alameda County Medical Center

Alameda County Medical Center ( is a nationally recognized public healthcare system with more than 2,800 employees, 500 physicians, and 475 accredited beds. ACMC provides comprehensive, high quality medical treatment and compassionate care to all residents of Alameda County.

