Concurrent Technologies Corporation Awarded $15.3 Million Contract to Provide Technical Development for the Carriage, Stream, Tow & Recovery System

New Contract Builds on 15 Years of Experience with Client and CSTRS Program

JOHNSTOWN, PA., May 30, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) has been awarded a $15.3 million contract from Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) to continue work on the Carriage, Stream, Tow & Recovery System (CSTRS) program. This cost plus fixed fee, indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract is to provide engineering services in support of the CSTRS to incorporate airborne countermeasures capabilities.

"CTC began development on CSTRS in 1999," said Edward J. Sheehan, Jr., CTC President & Chief Executive Officer. "Since the original contract, we have moved through the stages of design, development, testing, and production. We provide innovative solutions to our clients—15 years after our initial work, the U.S. Navy still looks to CTC to provide continued technical development support for the CSTRS program. We look forward to aiding the U.S. Navy and U.S. warfighters in efforts to improve their airborne mine countermeasures capabilities."

The overall objective of the CSTRS program is to design, fabricate, test and integrate a system for the carriage, stream, tow and recovery of all airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM) sensors being considered by the Navy to support the AMCM mission of the MH-60S helicopter. CSTRS provides the MH-60S helicopter with the widest, largest minesweeping capability by making AMCM Systems deployable from U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ships, allowing them to readily respond to mine threats.

"During the course of this contract, CTC will continue to provide support services similar to what we have been doing for the past 10+ years," said Ed Peretin, CSTRS Program Manager. "In addition, we will assist the Navy with the transition of the entire system to the end user—Navy Sailors."

CTC will provide the personnel, materials, facilities, equipment, and services for the engineering and technical support required to modify the design, fabricate test prototypes, flight test the CSTRS and develop the production level design changes to support CSTRS. CTC will provide CSTRS mission and platform analysis and scenario development support; CSTRS design and engineering documentation support; CSTRS hardware and software development support; CSTRS fabrication support; CSTRS integration test and evaluation support; CSTRS ground support equipment; maintenance and repair support of CSTRS; CSTRS support material; CSTRS meeting support; and training support.

Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) is an independent, nonprofit, applied scientific research and development professional services organization providing innovative management and technology-based solutions to government and industry. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, CTC's primary purpose and programs are to undertake applied scientific research and development activities that serve the public interest. For more information, visit

This material is based upon work supported by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division under Contract No. N61331-14-D-0010. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division.



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