New Keynotes Added: Smart Card Alliance 2015 Payments Summit to Cover Latest Advancements in EMV Chip, Mobile and Transit Payments

Early Registration Discounts Are Available Through Jan. 13

PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Jan. 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 2015 Smart Card Alliance Payments Summit has a full agenda with senior leaders from every major payments market scheduled to speak on the progress of U.S. EMV chip migration, mobile payments and open transit payments initiatives. For 2015, the Alliance has added a full third day of convergence track sessions to highlight how technologies and innovations in payments interlace, as well as a training course and testing session for CSCIP/Paymentsi certification.

The 8th Annual Payments Summit will be held on Feb. 3-5, 2015 at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah with the pre-conference payments technologies and innovations workshop on Feb. 2. Agenda topics, registration, exhibition and sponsorship details can be found at Early registration discounts have been extended and are available through Jan. 13.

"The three-day Payments Summit gives executives the opportunity to gain perspective on the unique U.S. payments market, new appreciation for how far the U.S. has come in the adoption of emerging payments, and a refreshed outlook on how to best move the industry forward in what is expected to be a very impactful year for payments," said Randy Vanderhoof, executive director of the Smart Card Alliance.

Industry experts from all three leading payments transaction infrastructures—EMV chip card payments, mobile payments and transit payments—will be featured at the 2015 Payments Summit. The first day keynote presentations and discussion panels include:

  • The State of Chip Migration and Learnings for Issuers, Merchants and Acquirers; Kimberly Lawrence, Visa
  • EMV Readiness From an Acquirer's Vantage Point; Patty Walters, Vantiv
  • Mobile Tokenization and the Value of User Authenticated Digital Transactions; James Anderson, MasterCard
  • The Final Year Ahead of the EMV Target Date; Panel Moderator: Jack Jania, Gemalto; Panelists: Dr. Art Harper, Public Service Credit Union (PSCU); Ellie Smith, Discover; Allen Friedman, Ingenico
  • Apple Pay and the Rise of Tokenization; Lee Manfred, First Annapolis
  • EMV and Contactless Payments Enhancing Customer Experiences; Karen Czack, American Express
  • Mobile Payments Industry Workgroup Efforts to Promote Secure Mobile Payments and Tokenization; Susan Pandy, PhD, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
  • Mobile Payments Models and Consumer Values; Panel Moderator: Steve Mott, BetterBuyDesign; Panelists: Beth Costa, MCX; Leon Majors, Phoenix Marketing

The second day of the conference is broken into three tracks, allowing attendees to experience a deeper understanding of the business and technical trends within specific markets or move between different market areas to broaden their knowledge. The three tracks cover EMV chip payments, mobile payments and transit payments. A full breakdown of the tracks is available at

The third day of the conference is organized into two specialized tracks involving convergence trends and emerging market innovation – EMV Chip Technology and Mobile Payment Convergence, and Transit and Parking Innovation. The convergence and innovation tracks bring together all of the most anticipated topics from each of the markets across the payments industry and provide insight as to how they work with each other.

The EMV and Mobile Payment convergence track will focus on:

  • Payments Industry Standards Updates
  • Mobile Wallet Merchant Use Cases
  • Changing Risk Management through Payments Innovation
  • Roundtable Discussion: Does EMV and Mobile Complement Or Complicate Payments?

The Advances in Future Payments Innovation track offers sessions on:

  • Smart Cities and Transportation Payments Convergence
  • Payment Applications in Transit and Parking
  • Vending, Parking and Unattended Terminals
  • Roundtable Discussion: How the Current Trends in EMV and NFC Are Shaping the Future of Unattended Payments

In addition to the conference sessions and workshop, the Smart Card Alliance has scheduled a CSCIP/Payments (CSCIP/P) training class and certification exam to take place at the 2015 Payments Summit. CSCIP/P certification recognizes professionals who possess advanced levels of smart card industry knowledge including in-depth content about smart card use in payments and mobile payments transactions. The training will be held on Monday, Feb. 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with the exam scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 3 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. The deadline to register for the training course and/or exam is Jan. 16.

For registration details and more information regarding the training class and/or the exam, visit

For continuing updates on the Payments Summit, visit, follow @SmartCardOrgUSA on Twitter and use #PaymentsSummit to participate in the conversation.

About the Smart Card Alliance

The Smart Card Alliance is a not-for-profit, multi-industry association working to stimulate the understanding, adoption, use and widespread application of smart card technology.

Through specific projects such as education programs, market research, advocacy, industry relations and open forums, the Alliance keeps its members connected to industry leaders and innovative thought. The Alliance is the single industry voice for smart cards, leading industry discussion on the impact and value of smart cards in the U.S. and Latin America. For more information please visit

i Certified Smart Card Industry Professional/Payments



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