Sharecare to Host Twitter Chat on Heart Health, Cardiology #HealthyandHearty

ATLANTA, Feb. 10, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In conjunction with American Heart Month and Go Red for Women, Sharecare, the leading digital health and wellness engagement platform, will host a Twitter Chat about heart health on Thursday, February 11 from 12 to 3 p.m. ET. The Chat will use the hashtag #HealthyandHearty.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease causes about one death every 39 seconds and a stroke-related death occurs about every four minutes. The #HealthyandHearty Chat will focus on lifestyle changes that can improve heart health, causes, conditions and complications of heart disease, and cardiology.

“Heart disease claims a life every 84 seconds – but we can prevent many of those deaths by being informed and taking action,” said Cathy Lewis, National Patient Communications Lead for the American Heart Association. “The American Heart Association exists to end the No. 1 killer of Americans and increasing people’s understanding of heart disease and stroke through events like this Twitter chat help us save lives.”

The #HealthyandHearty Chat will cover specific topics as follows:

12-1 pm: Preventative and protective measures to maintain heart health.
1-2 pm: Heart-related chronic disease management.
2-3 pm: Research and advocacy for heart health issues, along with caregiving.

Featured experts who will answer questions on these topics and more include experts from Sharecare partner organizations and hospitals, members of the Sharecare Advisory Board, and the country’s leading health and medical practitioners.

How to join the conversation:

What: Heart Health Twitter Chat (#HealthyandHearty)
When: Thursday, Feb. 11, 12 to 3 p.m. ET
Who*: Hosted by @SharecareInc, featuring experts from:

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics @eatright
American Heart Association @American_Heart
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) @CDCgov
CDC Injury Prevention @CDCInjury  
CDC Obesity @CDCObesity
Million Hearts @MillionHeartsUS                                                                
Dole Nutrition Institute @DoleTweets 
HealthCorps @HealthCorps
National Association for Health and Fitness (NAHF) @NAHFofficial     
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) @SCAI @SecondsCountOrg
Columbia University Department of Surgery @columbiasurgery
UCLA Health @uclahealth
St. Mary Medical Center @stmarymed
Members of Sharecare Advisory Board

How to Participate:

Submit your questions and comments on Twitter using the hashtag #HealthyandHearty through 3 p.m. EST on Thursday, February 11. If you don't have a Twitter account, you can post questions to Sharecare’s Facebook page, as well as follow the live chat on Sharecare.

*This is a partial list of experts; more may participate in the actual Chat

About Sharecare

Sharecare is a health and wellness engagement platform that provides people with personalized resources to help them live their healthiest lives. Nearly 40 million people have shared more than 5 billion data points about their health status and habits with Sharecare, which uses that information to create a comprehensive health profile allowing users to access all of their health resources in one place, and dynamically connect to the knowledge, evidence-based programs and health professionals they need. Created by Jeff Arnold and Dr. Mehmet Oz in 2010, Sharecare’s predictive and personalized platform is accessed daily by millions of consumers, including viewers of The Dr. Oz Show, patient populations of the country’s leading hospital systems and every Soldier in the United States Army.

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