Handelsbanken publishes its publication “Risk and Capital Management – Information according to Pillar 3” for 2015 today

Handelsbanken’s publication “Risk and Capital Management – Information according
to Pillar 3” for 2015 will be available on the Bank’s website at
handelsbanken.se/ireng during the day.
The publication provides information about risks, risk management and capital
adequacy in accordance with Pillar 3 of the capital adequacy regulations (Basel
II) as stipulated in Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, Directive 2013/36/EU and the
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s regulation FFFS 2014:12.

For further information please contact:
Maria Hedin, Head of Independent Risk Control Handelsbanken, +46 (0)8 – 701 38
Peter Lindfelt, Head of Credit Risk Handelsbanken, +46 (0)8 – 701 84 41
Lars Höglund, Head of Debt Investor Relations Handelsbanken, +46 (0)8 – 701 51

This information is of the type which Handelsbanken is obliged to make public
according to the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted
for publication on 19 February 2016 at 12.05 CET.

For more information about Handelsbanken, please go to: www.handelsbanken.com

